Episode #405

How to Build a Recession Proof Speaking Business

With Erick Rheam

Are we facing a recession? What does that mean for your speaking business? 

We’re answering these questions and more during Episode 405 of The Speaker Lab Podcast. The one and only Erick Rheam is guiding our conversation with strategies you can use in these uncertain times to recession-proof your speaking business.

During this episode, we’ll talk about how to lead your business through a recession with confidence rather than fear, why you must invest in marketing and yourself, and why you have to take the leap and go virtual. Speakers have had to pivot on a moment’s notice over the last two years, and uncertain economic times are no different. Erick will talk about where you need to flex and when standing firm is okay. Whether you are just beginning to build your business or you’ve been at this for a while, this episode will equip you for what’s next. Erick’s experience, expertise, and transparency will provide practical steps to recession-proof your speaking business — no matter what happens.

Here’s what you’ll learn from this episode:

  • What is a recession?
  • Organizational response to a recession
  • Impact on travel, workshops, and training budgets
  • When to update your demo video, website and other marketing tools
  • How to write and publish a book to elevate credibility
  • Why to keep investing in yourself and building skills
  • Why you need to go virtual and why it’s so beneficial
  • How to ask for referrals
  • Four questions you have to ask yourself
  • And much more!

Tweetable: “Now is not the time to be vague.”

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Erick Rheam

Erick Rheam is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. Erick spent five years as a Military Police Officer, nine years working for two municipally owned utilities, ten years in software efficiency sales, and two years as the Director of Student Success for The Speaker Lab before becoming a full-time professional speaker and author. Erick travels the country helping men and women cut through the whirlwind so they can rise above the chaos to discover their significance and live in peace.

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