The Speaker Lab Blog

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How to Become a Consultant: A Step-by-Step Guide
Discover the secrets of becoming a successful consultant, including how to identify your niche and master essential skills.
The 10 Most Popular TED Talks You Need to Watch
The best TED talks and their speakers show the power of ideas and the impact that a talk can have on millions of people around the world.
The Art of the Unexpected: A Guide to Situational Irony
Learn how to understand situational irony from literary examples to its definition and how writers use it for plot twists.
Understanding Verbal Irony: A Beginner's Guide (With Examples)
Here's what you need to know about verbal irony — and how to use it effectively in your daily life to level up your communication.
Mastering Dramatic Irony: A Guide for Writers and Speakers
Ready to learn about dramatic irony? Here's what you need to know (and some examples of this powerful tool).
16 Inspiring Speaker Bio Examples to Help You Write Your Own
A well-crafted speaker bio is key to presenting and introducing yourself to the world. This is where you can give a glimpse into your story while also building your personal brand, attracting clients, and establishing your credibility as a professional speaker. It’s not just about your message but it tells why you and your story are so well-suited to provide the message. This article will guide you on how to write an effective speaker bio and will provide top-notch bios to inspire you in writing...
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Free Download: 6 Proven Steps to Book More Paid Speaking Gigs in 2024​

Download our 18-page guide and start booking more paid speaking gigs today!

Our Best Advice for Booking More Paid Speaking Gigs

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Use The Official Speaker Fee Calculator™ to tell you what you should charge for your next (or first) speaking gig — virtual or in-person!

Our Best Tips for Becoming a Better Speaker

How to Build Confidence: Proven Strategies for Success
Discover effective strategies for CEOs and leaders on how to build confidence, enhance communication skills, and achieve success with The Speaker Lab.
How to Build a Story Bank from Ravi Rajani
"Stories come from insignificant, seemingly insignificant micro moments which can be transformed into micro stories which eventually graduate to making the story bank.”
Rory Vaden's Advice on How to Unlock Your Mission
If you’re struggling to get through the wall and to reach the point where you’re known as a speaker, here’s Rory’s first step for unlocking your mission.
Top Online Resources for Public Speaking
If you’re looking for the best websites on public speaking, you’ll have to comb through a lot of content to find what’s actually relevant. So we did the work for you!
Our #1 Tip for Finding Great Leads from Eve Gilmore
Struggling to find good speaking leads? Here's some tips on finding the right people, asking the right questions, and getting creative with the job titles you’re looking at and pitching to.
Top Public Speaking Certifications to Elevate Your Speaking Career
Learn more about the best public speaking certifications to help you make a great first impression and become a better speaker. 
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Learn How You Could Get Your First (Or Next) Paid Speaking Gig — Guaranteed

We receive thousands of applications every day, but we only work with the top 5% of speakers.

Book a FREE call with our team to get started — you’ll learn why the vast majority of our students start booking paid speaking gigs even before they finish our program.

If you’re ready to control your schedule, grow your income, and make an impact in the world – it’s time to take the first step. Book a FREE consulting call and let’s get you Booked and Paid to Speak™.