How to Write a Heartfelt Eulogy (with Examples)

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When tasked with writing a eulogy for a loved one, the responsibility can feel overwhelming. How do you sum up a person’s entire existence in just a few minutes? The key is to focus on the essence of who they were and the impact they had on those around them.

In this article, we’re here to help you properly celebrate an incredible legacy. Whether you’re a seasoned public speaker or nervously approaching the podium for the first time, these tips will help you create a eulogy that truly does justice to the remarkable life you’re commemorating.

What Is a Eulogy?

A eulogy is a speech given in honor of someone’s life, typically at a funeral service or memorial service. In addition, it’s a chance to pay tribute to the person who has passed away, sharing stories and memories that highlight their unique qualities and the impact they had on others.

Giving a eulogy can feel like a big responsibility, but it’s also an opportunity to celebrate the life of someone you cared about. Whether you’re speaking about a family member, close friend, or respected colleague, a great eulogy can bring comfort to those who are grieving and help keep the person’s memory alive.

Types of Eulogies

There’s no one “right” way to give a eulogy. Eulogies can come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the person being honored and the style of the person giving the speech.

Some eulogies are more formal and biographical, focusing on the person’s life story and major accomplishments. Others are more personal and emotional, full of stories and memories that capture the person’s spirit. Some people choose to inject humor into a eulogy, sharing funny anecdotes or inside jokes as a way to celebrate the person’s life. Others take a more serious and heartfelt approach. And many eulogies strike a balance between the two.

No matter what style you choose, the most important thing is to be authentic and speak from the heart. A eulogy is a deeply personal tribute, and the best ones come from a place of love and connection.

How to Write a Meaningful Eulogy

If you’ve been asked to give a eulogy, you might be feeling a mix of emotions. Whether you’re honored, nervous, or a bit overwhelmed, all of these feelings are normal. After all, taking on such an important task can be daunting, especially in the midst of your own grief. However, with some preparation and a little courage, you can write a eulogy that truly captures the essence of the person you’re honoring. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Gathering Information and Memories

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on the person’s life and your relationship with them. Jot down any memories, stories, or qualities that come to mind. What made them unique? What will you remember most about them?

Talk to other family members and friends to get their perspectives too. They may have insights or stories to share that you weren’t aware of. Gathering different memories can help paint a fuller picture of the person’s life.

Structuring Your Eulogy

Once you have your key points, it’s time to start putting them in order. One common approach is to structure your eulogy chronologically, starting with the person’s childhood and moving through the major events of their life.

Another option is to organize your eulogy around a theme. This theme could be the person’s passions, their role in the family, or the values they stood for. This last choice would be a good one if you want to focus on the person’s character and what made them special.

Opening Your Eulogy

The opening lines of your eulogy are a chance to capture people’s attention and set the tone for what’s to come. You might start with a quote that was meaningful to the person, a short anecdote from their life, or a simple statement about what they meant to you. Whatever you choose, make sure it feels authentic to you and to the person you’re honoring. A eulogy is a deeply personal thing, and your unique voice should shine through.

Sharing Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Personal stories are the heart of any great eulogy. They give the audience a glimpse into the person’s life and personality in a way that a list of accomplishments can’t. Think about the moments you shared with the person—the laughs, the heart-to-hearts, the inside jokes. What stories capture their spirit? What memories do you cherish most? Don’t be afraid to add humor if it feels right. Sharing a funny story or quirk can be a wonderful way to celebrate the person’s life and bring a smile to people’s faces.

Highlighting the Deceased’s Qualities and Achievements

A eulogy is also a chance to recognize the person’s accomplishments and the impact they had on the world around them. What were they most proud of in their life? What will be their lasting legacy?

In addition, think about the roles they played—as a parent, sibling, friend, colleague. How did they touch the lives of the people around them? What qualities did they embody that made them so special?

Highlighting these things can help the audience appreciate the full scope of the person’s life and the mark they left on the world.

Closing Your Eulogy

As you bring your eulogy to a close, you might share how the person’s memory will live on, or offer words of comfort to those who are grieving. You could end with a favorite quote, a blessing, or a final thought on what the person meant to you. Whatever you choose, make sure it ties back to the main themes of your eulogy and leaves the audience with a sense of the person’s enduring spirit.

Remember, a eulogy is a farewell and a celebration. It’s a chance to honor the person’s memory and the impact they had on those around them. By speaking from the heart and sharing your own experiences, you can create a tribute that truly captures the essence of the person you’re remembering.

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Tips for Delivering a Powerful Eulogy

Delivering a eulogy can be an emotional experience, but with some preparation and practice, you can give a heartfelt tribute that honors your loved one’s memory. Below are some tips to help you deliver a powerful eulogy.

Practice and Preparation

The key to delivering a great eulogy is practice and preparation. Once you’ve written your eulogy, take some time to rehearse it out loud. This will help you get comfortable with the words and the flow of the speech. You can practice in front of a mirror, or even record yourself to see how you sound.

As you practice, pay attention to your pacing and your tone. You want to speak slowly and clearly, so that everyone in the audience can understand you. Take deep breaths and pause between sentences to give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts.

Managing Your Emotions

Giving a eulogy can be an emotional experience, especially if you were close to the person who passed away. It’s okay to show emotion during your speech, but try to keep it in check so that you can get through the eulogy without breaking down.

One way to manage your emotions is to take a few deep breaths before you start speaking. This will help you calm your nerves and focus on the task at hand. If you feel yourself getting choked up during the speech, it’s okay to pause for a moment to collect yourself.

Speaking from the Heart

The most powerful eulogies come from the heart. Don’t worry about trying to sound perfect or eloquent—just speak from your own experience and share your memories of the person who passed away.  Think about the moments you shared with your loved one, the funny memories that make you smile, and the impact they had on your life. These personal stories will help the audience feel connected to the person you’re honoring and will make your eulogy more meaningful.

Engaging Your Audience

As you deliver your eulogy, try to engage with your audience by making eye contact and speaking directly to them. This will help them feel more connected to your words and will make your eulogy more impactful. You can also engage your audience by asking them to participate in some way, such as sharing a memory of the person who passed away or joining in a prayer or moment of silence.

Using Appropriate Humor

Humor can be a powerful tool in a eulogy, but it’s important to use it appropriately. A well-placed joke or funny story can help lighten the mood and bring a smile to people’s faces, even in the midst of their grief. However, it’s important to make sure that any humor you use is respectful and appropriate for the occasion. Avoid anything that could be seen as offensive or insensitive, and always keep the focus on honoring the person who passed away.

Examples of Inspiring Eulogies

If you’re struggling to write a eulogy for a loved one, it can be helpful to look at examples of inspiring eulogies for inspiration. Below are some examples of eulogies for different types of relationships.

Eulogy for a Parent

Writing a eulogy for a parent can be especially challenging, as they likely played a significant role in your life. When writing a eulogy for a parent, focus on the lessons they taught you, the love they showed you, and the impact they had on your life.

Here’s an example of a eulogy for a mother:

“My mother was the most loving and caring person I’ve ever known. She always put her family first and would do anything to make sure we were happy and taken care of. She taught me the importance of kindness, compassion, and hard work, and I will carry those lessons with me for the rest of my life. Mom, thank you for everything you did for us. We will miss you more than words can say.”

Eulogy for a Sibling

Writing a eulogy for a sibling can be a way to honor the special bond you shared. Focus on the memories you have of growing up together, the inside jokes you shared, and the ways in which your sibling impacted your life.

Here’s an example of a eulogy for a brother:

“My brother was my best friend and my partner in crime. We shared so many adventures together, from building forts in the backyard to road tripping across the country. He always had a way of making me laugh, even in the toughest of times. I will miss his sense of humor, his loyalty, and his unwavering support. Rest in peace, little brother.”

Eulogy for a Spouse

Writing a eulogy for a spouse can be an incredibly emotional experience. Focus on the love you shared, the life you built together, and the impact your spouse had on your life and the lives of those around you.

Here’s an example of a eulogy for a husband:

“My husband was my rock, my partner, and my best friend. He was the most kind-hearted and generous person I’ve ever known, always putting others before himself. We shared so many wonderful years together, filled with love, laughter, and adventure. I will miss his warm smile, his gentle touch, and his unwavering devotion. Thank you for loving me so deeply and completely. Until we meet again, my love.”

Eulogy for a Friend

Writing a eulogy for a friend is a way to honor the special bond you shared. Focus on the memories you have of your friend, the ways in which they impacted your life, and the qualities that made them such a special person.

Here’s an example of a eulogy for a close friend:

“My friend was one of the most loyal and caring people I’ve ever known. She was always there for me, through the good times and the bad. We shared so many laughs together, so many inside jokes and silly moments. I will miss her infectious smile, her kind heart, and her unwavering friendship. Rest in peace, my dear friend. You will always be in my heart.”

Eulogy for a Public Figure

Writing a eulogy for a public figure can be a way to honor their legacy and impact on the world. Focus on their accomplishments, the ways in which they inspired others, and the qualities that made them such a remarkable person.

Here’s an example of a eulogy for a public figure:

“[Public figure’s name] was a true visionary and a force for good in the world. Their tireless work and dedication to [cause/field] inspired countless others and changed the lives of so many. They had a rare gift for bringing people together and rallying them around a common cause. Their legacy will live on through the countless lives they touched and the positive change they brought to the world. We are all better for having known them.”

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FAQs on Writing a Eulogy

What do you say in an eulogy?

Share memories, celebrate achievements, and honor the life of your loved one. Keep it personal and sincere.

What is the best opening line for a eulogy?

“Today, we gather to remember and celebrate the life of [Name], who touched our hearts deeply.”

Who usually gives the eulogy at a funeral?

A close family member or friend often delivers the eulogy to share intimate memories and stories.

How long should a eulogy be?

Aim for 5-10 minutes. This keeps it meaningful yet manageable for both you and your listeners.


Remember, a eulogy is a celebration of life, a chance to pay tribute to the person who meant so much to you and so many others. By sharing stories, memories, and the qualities that made them special, you’re ensuring their legacy lives on.

As you stand before friends and family, speak from the heart. Your words, infused with love and authenticity, will bring comfort and solace to those grieving. And in honoring your loved one’s life, you’ll find a sense of peace and closure in the midst of loss.

Pouring your feelings into crafting a eulogy stands as a sincere gesture of honor and affection. Stick to these tips and trust your gut. Before long, you’ll have a memorable homage that perfectly reflects the person you’re honoring. So take a deep breath, gather your thoughts, and know that your words will be a balm to all who loved your dearly departed.


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