How to Build an Email List: 10 Proven Strategies for 2024

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If you’ve worked in marketing at all, then you know how important it is to build an email list. It’s the key to unlocking a world of repeat customers and a thriving business that practically runs itself. But how do you build an email list that actually works? One that actively engages your audience and turns them into loyal supporters? Believe it or not, it’s not as complicated as you might think.

The truth is, building a high-quality email list is less about fancy tricks and more about genuine connection. It’s about understanding what makes your ideal customer tick and then showing up consistently to deliver value straight to their inbox. No gimmicks, no spam—just good old-fashioned relationship building. And the best part? Once you have that foundation in place, the sky’s the limit for your business growth.

What Is an Email List and Why Build One?

An email list is just what it sounds like—a list of email addresses from folks who’ve agreed to get your updates. For any business, this collection is pure gold. Through email marketing, your business has a direct line to your target audience. You can grow relationships, earn trust, and boost sales by using this approach.

Creates Personal Connection

When someone joins your email newsletter, they’re inviting you into their inbox. That’s a personal space reserved for people and brands they trust. In order to keep your subscribers engaged, share valuable content regularly. In addition, adding a personal touch really helps build loyalty and keep people engaged. Personalized emails can boost click rates significantly.

Develops a Loyal Customer Base

Your email lists consists of clients who have already shown an interest in what you offer. These people are your warm leads, just waiting to become loyal customers.

Your subscribers will feel valued when you offer them exclusive content along with special deals and experiences. Over time, they’ll start seeing you as their top resource for advice.

When customers keep coming back, they spend more over time and often tell their friends about you. So your email campaign isn’t just a way to market—it’s how you build relationships.

Markets to Those Already Positive About Your Brand

The people on your mailing list have already raised their hand and said, “Yes, I want to hear from you.” As a result, they’re predisposed to like your brand and what you stand for. This means less time spent convincing them and more time delivering real value to folks who already trust you.

Of course, this only works if you treat your subscribers well. Bombarding them with constant promotions or irrelevant content is a quick way to lose that goodwill. A thoughtful email marketing strategy focused on your existing subscribers will yield the best results.

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10 Proven Strategies for Building Your Email List

Now that we’ve discussed why having an email list is crucial, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to build one. Growing your list requires both creativity and strategy. No single method works for everyone, but using tried-and-true tactics along with great list-building tools can attract ideal subscribers to your business. Below are nine strategies we highly recommend.

Get the Right Platform

First things first, you need to choose the right email marketing software for your business. There are a ton of options out there, but not all of them are created equal. Look for a platform that offers the features you need, like automation, segmentation, and integrations with other tools you use.

ConvertKit is a good go-to choice because it’s so easy to use and has great deliverability rates. You can quickly whip up signup forms and landing pages without any hassle. If you’re looking for alternatives, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and ActiveCampaign are solid options too.

Incentivize People with Lead Magnets

The truth is, no one wants to sign up for yet another email list just for the heck of it. You need to give people a reason to hand over their email address. That’s where lead magnets come in.

A lead magnet is basically a freebie that you offer in exchange for someone’s email address. It could be an ebook, a checklist, a template, coupon, or really anything that provides value to your target audience. The key is to make it irresistible and highly relevant to the people you’re trying to attract. That way, they’ll gladly hand over their email in order to get access.

For example, if you’re a fitness coach, you could offer a free 7-day meal plan or workout guide. If you sell eco-friendly beauty products, then you could create a guide explaining how to transition to a clean beauty routine. The options are endless.

Once you have your lead magnet ready, create an opt-in form and place it strategically on your website. That could be in a pop-up, sidebar, header, footer, or even within your blog posts. You can use OptinMonster or Unbounce to easily create high-converting signup forms.

Create Content Upgrades for Your Website

A content upgrade works like a lead magnet but targets one specific blog post or piece of content. It offers an extra resource that boosts and adds value to the main material.

For example, let’s say you write a blog post called “10 Tips for Better Sleep.” Your content upgrade could be a printable sleep tracker or a guided meditation audio file. In order to access the upgrade, engaged readers must first share their email address with you.

To execute this strategy, create a simple opt-in form using a tool like ConvertKit or Mailchimp. Embed it within your blog post or link to a separate landing page, then watch your list grow.

Create an Enticing Pop-Up for Your Website

Pop-ups can be annoying. However, when used strategically and sparingly, they can also be incredibly effective for collecting email addresses.

The key is to make your pop-up offer relevant and valuable to the user. Timing and targeting also play a big role. For example, you might set a pop-up to appear only after someone has scrolled 50% of the way down your blog post. Alternatively, you could set it so that it’s only on certain pages, like your “About” page or a specific product page.

Make sure your pop-up has a clear and compelling headline, a brief description of what people will get when they sign up, and a prominent call-to-action button. Finally, don’t forget to include an easy way to close the pop-up if someone isn’t interested. If you’re looking to add pop-ups to your website, consider popular tools like OptinMonster, Privy, and Sleeknote.

Use a Scroll Box on Your Website

If you’d rather not use pop-ups, try a scroll box that appears when visitors reach a certain part of your webpage. It grabs their attention without interrupting their browsing.

Use a tool like OptinMonster to create a scroll box that appears at just the right moment and encourages people to sign up for your list. Make sure the offer is compelling and the call-to-action is clear and easy to follow.

Leverage Social Media

Your social media followers are already interested in your brand, so why not invite them to join your email community as well?

Add an email signup link to your social media bios on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Create regular posts promoting your lead magnets or newsletter. You can even run a Facebook Lead Ad to collect emails right within the platform.

Don’t forget about other high-traffic areas like your YouTube channel description, Pinterest pins, or TikTok profile. Anywhere your target audience is hanging out online is an opportunity to build your email list.

Run a Contest or Giveaway

Everyone loves a chance to win something cool, so why not use that excitement to grow your email list? Hosting a contest or giveaway is both a fun and effective way to find more subscribers. To prepare, pick a prize that fits your brand and speaks to what your customers love. It could be something you offer, or maybe another item you know they’d enjoy.

Next, use a tool like KingSumo or Gleam to set up your contest landing page and entry forms. Require an email address to enter, and encourage social media sharing to expand your reach. You could even motivate contestants to share the event with their social circles in return for bonus entries.

Finally, promote your giveaway everywhere—social media accounts, your website, email signature, even paid ads if you have the budget. The more buzz you generate, the more your list will grow.

Establish a Referral Program

Your current subscribers can be your best promoters. Set up a referral program so they can earn rewards for bringing their friends and contacts on board.

Using tools like ReferralSaasquatch or Viral Loops, you can streamline the process and make it simple for people to share your signup form with their friends. Sweeten the deal by offering exclusive content, discounts, or even cash rewards for successful referrals.

Don’t Forget Your Own Contacts

When you’re first starting out, it can be easy to overlook the people who are already in your network. But chances are, you have friends, family, and colleagues who would be interested in hearing from you and joining your email list. Invite them to join with a message like this one:

Hello friends. I wanted to let you know about my brand-new email list where I’ll be sharing lots of great content directly with you. Expect news updates, helpful advice, and exclusive offers. Signing up is super easy—just follow this link.

Collect Emails Offline

Don’t limit your email-collecting efforts to the online world. There are plenty of opportunities to grow your list offline too. For instance, if you have a brick-and-mortar store, then keep an email signup sheet at the checkout counter. If you host events or workshops, pass around a clipboard for people to opt-in. And if you speak at conferences or networking events, include a call-to-action to join your list in your presentation.

You could also host a local contest or team up with other small businesses nearby for a joint promotion. The possibilities really are endless, so let your imagination run wild and think beyond the usual email strategies.

No matter which list-building strategies you choose, remember that quality always trumps quantity. It’s better to have a smaller list of engaged subscribers than a huge list of people who never open your emails.

Focus on drawing in the right crowd with offers that hit home, and build those connections over time. By consistently delivering value, your email list will turn into a powerhouse for driving traffic, boosting engagement, and ramping up sales.

Now that you know how to build an email list from scratch, it’s time to put these strategies into action. Start with one or two tactics and gradually add more as you get comfortable. Remember, email marketing software is there to help you automate and optimize the process, but the real magic happens in the relationship you build with your subscribers. So get out there and start connecting!

Best Practices for Keeping Email Subscribers Engaged

Now that you know how to build an email list, it’s important to keep those subscribers engaged and coming back for more. After all, what’s the point of having a big list if no one is opening or clicking on your emails?

If you’re aiming to keep your email subscribers excited about what you send, here are a few best practices you’ll want to consider.

Keep Your Emails Short and to the Point

No one wants to read a novel in their inbox. Keep your emails short, sweet, and to the point. Use clear, concise language and break up your content into easy-to-read chunks with headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs.

Aim for emails that can be read and digested in just a few minutes. If you have a lot to say, consider breaking it up into a series of emails or linking to a blog post for more in-depth information.

Consider Your Email Formatting

Your email’s look can really influence how much your subscribers engage. Stick to a clean, readable template that fits your brand and works well on mobile devices.

Include plenty of white space, use images sparingly, and make sure your call-to-action buttons are prominent and easy to click. Test your emails on different devices and email clients to make sure they look great no matter where they’re being read.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Getting folks to act on your emails often requires creating some urgency. Using terms such as “limited time offer” and highlighting that there are only a few spots left might encourage immediate responses.

A great way to get folks moving is by adding countdown clocks or setting specific deadlines. This makes them feel the pressure to act fast before they miss out. However, use this method sparingly and only if it really suits what you’re offering.

Use Personalization

Adding a personal touch to your emails can make them feel more engaging for your subscribers. Try using merge tags to add the recipient’s name in the subject line or greeting. You can also segment your list based on interests, behaviors, or demographics.

You can also use dynamic content blocks to show different content to different subscribers based on their preferences or past actions. The more personalized and relevant your emails are, the more likely people are to engage with them.

Segment Your List

One of the most effective tools for email marketing is segmentation. It involves splitting your mailing list into distinct groups according to specific factors so you can deliver more personalized and meaningful content to each one.

For example, you might segment your list based on purchase history, website behavior, or email engagement. Then, you can send different emails to each segment based on their specific needs and interests.

Test, Test, Test

To keep your email subscribers interested, you should always test and improve your emails. Try using A/B testing with different subject lines, content variations, and calls-to-action to figure out what clicks best with your audience.

Monitor how well your emails perform by checking open rates, click-throughs, and conversion rates. Let these numbers guide you in improving your email marketing strategy. The more you experiment with different approaches, the better results you’ll see.

If you follow these guidelines and consistently refine your emails, you’ll keep your audience interested and eager for more. That’s how you create a thriving email list for lasting success.

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Measuring the Success of Your Email Marketing Efforts

When it comes to building an email list, it’s not just about the numbers. Sure, seeing your list grow is exciting, but what really matters is how engaged those subscribers are. That’s where measuring the success of your email marketing efforts comes in.

If you’re trying to figure out the right things to measure, then keep an eye on these essential metrics for success.

  • Open rates: This tells you how many people are actually opening your emails. If your open rates are low, it could mean your subject lines aren’t compelling enough or your emails are landing in the spam folder.
  • Click-through rates: Once someone opens your email, do they actually click on the links inside? If not, your content might not be resonating with your audience.
  • Conversion rates: Ultimately, you want your emails to lead to sales or signups. Track how many people are taking the desired action after reading your emails.
  • Unsubscribe rates: It’s normal to have some people unsubscribe from your list, but if you’re seeing a high number of unsubscribes, that’s a red flag. It could mean your content isn’t relevant or you’re sending too many emails.

If tracking all these metrics sounds overwhelming, then there’s plenty of email marketing software out there that can do the heavy lifting for you. Consider Mailchimp, for instance. This tool is popular among small businesses because it’s easy to use and budget-friendly. Plus, its dashboard makes tracking all the important metrics a breeze.

If you have a larger email list, you might consider switching over to ConvertKit. This platform costs a bit more than Mailchimp, but it comes with advanced features like automation and segmentation. Plus, being able to send targeted emails directly to specific subscriber groups can completely transform your business.

No matter which email marketing software you choose, the key is to actually use the data it provides. So don’t just let those numbers sit there—analyze them and use them to inform your strategy.

A/B Testing Is Your Friend

One of the best ways to optimize your email marketing efforts is through A/B testing. This simply means sending two slightly different versions of an email to a small portion of your list and seeing which one performs better.

Try experimenting with different subject lines, calls-to-action, images, and even the timing of your emails. The options are practically limitless. Just make sure to test one thing at a time so you can see what really works.

Sure, A/B testing can feel overwhelming initially, but email marketing software simplifies the process. Plus, those small adjustments you make can really boost your results significantly. So don’t hesitate to try out different elements in your emails. Testing is the best way to find what really connects with your audience.

As a small business owner, consider your email list one of your greatest resources. Give it attention, keep nurturing those who subscribe, and always aim to deliver helpful content.

FAQs on How to Build an Email List

How do I build an email list?

Start with a signup form on your website. Use lead magnets like ebooks or discounts to entice sign-ups.

Can you build an email list for free?

Yes, use platforms like Mailchimp’s free plan and leverage social media to gather email addresses.

How do I build an automated email list?

Select a marketing software that supports automation, then set up workflows based on user actions.

How to build and grow your email list?

Create valuable content upgrades in blog posts. Promote signups through social media accounts and run contests.


There you have it—the no-nonsense guide on how to build an email list that actually works for your business. It’s not about chasing vanity metrics or using sleazy tactics. It’s about putting in the work to truly understand your audience and then delivering consistent value that keeps them coming back for more.

Building a thriving email list takes time, effort, and a whole lot of dedication, but the payoff is more than worth it. When you have a community of engaged subscribers who trust you and believe in what you’re doing, there’s no limit to how far your business can go. Start using these tactics now, and watch how quickly your email list expands—along with your revenue.


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