Episode #7

Heroic Public Speaking

With Michael Port

Welcome back to The Speaker Lab. On today’s show, I’m sitting down with my friend Michael Port for a special dual interview show. On this special episode, not only do I interview Michael, but he interviews me as well!

Today on episode seven, our talk runs the gamut. From Friends trivia to transitioning from one career to a speaking career to the three questions every beginning speakers needs to ask him/herself, we dive into it all. It’s well worth a listen so check it out on this episode of The Speaker Lab!


  • How do you find the balance between improvising and preparing?
  • How can you build an identity and persona in your speaking career?
  • Narrowing down your target audience: Michael shares how he did it and you can too.
  • Michael’s techniques and tips for a flawless performance.
  • What adjustments can be made during a talk?
  • The surprising connections between acting and speaking.
  • And much, much more!

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Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Michael Port

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