Episode #10

Talk Workshops To Me

With Erick Rheam

 “Listen, if you want to make more money, workshops are one of the most profitable ways to do it.”

In this episode, TSL facilitator and master speaker Erick Rheam walks you through how he uses workshops to build and scale his speaking business.

Check out this episode to learn: 

  • The 5 steps to launching a workshop offering
  • Why workshops help you scale your income and your business
  • How to get support as you pursue workshop offerings

 “The main thing is as speakers, when you’re sitting down with an event planner or decision maker and having a conversation, find out what their problem is, what gap you can fill with your content, and then fill it.”

Ready to learn a thing or two about using workshops to grow your business? Let’s go!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Erick Rheam

Erick is a speaker and bestselling author.  He’s earned over $2 Million in speaking fees where he helps busy professional men and women cut through the whirlwind of their lives, so that they may rise above their chaos and discover significance and live in peace.  Erick’s superpower is landing speaking gigs, so when he’s not on the speaking trail he’s helping high achievers translate their story into a high impactful and highly profitable speaking business.

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