Episode #12

Talk Positioning Statements To Me

With Michelle Onuorah

This week, we’re digging into positioning yourself as a speaker with Michelle Onuorah! Michelle is a speaker coach here at The Speaker Lab and also a speaker, podcaster, and workshop leader with her own business.

“Your eps is what is going to be your north star. That will help you determine what gigs to take, what opportunities to take advantage of, what type of talks to offer, and also what type of messaging you want to put on your website and all of your branding assets.”

During this episode, you’ll learn: 

  • Why you need an EPS as a speaker
  • What makes a good one
  • How to ensure your EPS aligns with your audience

“And finally, the advice that I have for speakers crafting their expert positioning statement for the first time to make sure that it’s in alignment with their audience. Talk to your audience. Talk to the types of people who are going to be in your audience and find out from them what are their pain points, what are the things that they’re struggling with? What are the solutions that they’re looking for? What type of transformation do they want to see happen in their lives?”

Ready to get into? Let’s talk positioning statements with Michelle!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Michelle Onuorah

Michelle Onuorah is a bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur. She’s written five bestselling novels, two non-fiction books and founded the Center for Prophetic Listening™, a remote life coaching agency. Her work as a speaker, author and eCourse creator centers around creating a safe place for people to hear God’s voice. Michelle is an alumna of BPS Elite and specializes in helping students design an expert positioning statement they love as well as leverage their speaking into a successful personal brand.

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