Episode #20

Talk Demo Videos To Me

With Emily Arnold

“What do you want your audience to feel? Keep this in mind as you start the process of creating your demo video. What do you want the decision maker to feel as they watch this?”

One of the most important marketing assets you need as a speaker is your demo video. If you’re just starting out as a speaker, you probably have a lot of questions about demo videos — and Emily Arnold is here to help!

In under 8 minutes, Emily covers:

  • The most important things to include in your demo reel
  • Top questions to ask yourself as you create your demo video
  • How to create a demo video even if you haven’t done speaking gigs yet
  • And much, much more!

“Just get something out there so that you can start showing people exactly who you are and what you can do. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. Get a really good demo video out there and know that you can always adjust.”

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Emily Arnold

Emily is our Elite Concierge & Community Manager here at TSL. She’s a curious, creative, color-loving extrovert currently based in Minneapolis. She loves meeting new people, taking photos, traveling the world, sipping on oat milk lattes, learning and implementing all-things-mental health, hanging with her two perfect cats, and cultivating delight in the everyday. When she’s not behind the computer, you can find her at a concert, comedy show, really yummy restaurant, by a lake, or spending time as much time as possible with family and friends!

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