Episode #395

How to Define Your Success

With Tim Schurrer

Tim Schurrer stepped away from his role as COO of StoryBrand to pursue a full-time speaking career. Determined to pave the way for his own defined success, Tim has kept his focus away from the cultural narrative of what it looks like to be an accomplished entrepreneur and instead set his sights on where he finds true meaning and fulfillment.With a mission to learn, serve, and grow through his platform on stage, Tim is helping others to transform their own journey by beginning with the end in mind. His new book, The Secret Society of Success unpacks the steps to defining personal measures for success and fully realizing the joy and meaning behind your work in any industry.Whether you’re just beginning or have been in the business for some time, Tim’s fresh perspective on defining your personal success and building a thriving business is a message everyone needs to hear. His steadiness and deep passion for his work has made way for an intentional journey of embracing opportunity!

The Finer Details of This Show:

  • Navigating a new career path
  • Why fulfillment might not exist where we thought it would
  • How to define your own success
  • Why doing the right stuff matters
  • Lead and lag measures, and why you need to know what they are
  • The difference between an author and a writer
  • Why you shouldn’t be defined by success
  • What is the motivation for the journey you are on?
  • And much more!

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About Tim Schurrer

Tim Schurrer knows what it takes to build a winning team. He spent almost a decade of his career launching two brands—StoryBrand and Business Made Simple—as COO alongside New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller. Before that Tim worked at TOMS as well as Apple Inc. He is the host of the Build a Winning Team podcast, where he offers listeners actionable advice as he interviews some of the top leaders in business. Tim lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Katie, and their two kids.

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