Episode #441

Why Introverts Often Make the Best Public Speakers

With Mike Bechtle

Speaking can be pretty intimidating for introverts. In fact, you might be under the impression that all successful professional speakers are extroverts. After all, isn’t getting up on a stage the ultimate example of being a “people person”? As a matter of fact, introverts can be great public speakers–and they often bring something unique to the stage. This week, the Speaker Lab founder Grant Baldwin (who is actually an introvert!) sat down with Dr. Mike Bechtle (another introvert!) for an episode dedicated entirely to introverts and public speaking.

Dr. Bechtle’s career spans many fields: ministry, teaching college, writing books, and decades of work for a renowned coaching company. Now retired, he’s focusing on growing his platform as an author and speaker. You’ve probably seen his name in the “inspirational books” section, where his best-selling works on communication, and interpersonal relationships reside. In a few months, you’ll be able to read his upcoming book about how introverts can succeed in the workplace. If there’s an expert on empowering introverts to communicate confidently, it’s Dr. Bechtle. And if you’re an introvert hesitant to launch your speaking business because you think your personality is holding you back, what Dr. Bechtle has to say is sure to help you take the leap.

Many introverts think that they need to change their personality or copy the flashy, theatrical extroverts to perform well on stage but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Introverts actually have a particular advantage as speakers, given their characteristic intentionality and drive to create impact. Your deep thinking and empathetic nature as an introvert enables you to effect real change for your audience. In Episode 441, Dr. Bechtle shares how to get comfortable in your own skin while succeeding as a speaker.

You’ll also learn all about:

  • When to hire a professional coach to help you lean into your strengths.
  • Why being introverted doesn’t affect your ability to match your energy to any size audience.
  • How to mix and mingle with your audience and avoid burnout.
  • How to engage emotionally with your listeners.
  • Strategies for blocking out time to recharge at your events.
  • …and so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Mike Bechtle

Mike Bechtle began his professional career in ministry: writing church curriculum for several different publishers, serving on the pastoral staff of several large churches and teaching at several Christian colleges and universities for 17 years.

In 1988, he became a corporate training consultant for FranklinCovey.  Since that time he has taught over 3000 seminars in time and life management, communications and relationships to a majority of the Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies.  Clients have included higher education institutions, service industries, fire departments, police agencies, medical/hospital, government, military, banking, technology, insurance, petroleum, etc.  He has also worked successfully with many small businesses, providing training and coaching to leaders and their teams.

Mike has authored numerous magazine articles for publications such as Writer’s Digest, Entrepreneur, MSN.com, Focus on the Family, Eternity, Pastors.com, and is a frequent guest on radio/TV programs such as Focus on the Family and New Life Live.  He is quoted often in publications like Writer’s Digest, Forbes, Reader’s Digest, USA Today, World Magazine, Ask Amy column, etc.  A popular blogger and speaker, he is the author of nine books:

  • The Introvert’s Guide to Success in the Workplace; Becoming Confident in a World of Extroverted Expectations (Revell, October 2023)
  • One-Minute Tips for Confident Communication – (Revell, 2022)
  • It’s Better to Bite Your Tongue than to Eat Your Words: The “No-Regrets” Guide to Better Conversation. (Revell, 2022)
  • The People Pleaser’s Guide to Loving Others without Losing Yourself (Revell 2021)
  • I Wish He Had Come With Instructions – A Woman’s Guide to a Man’s Brain (Revell 2016)
  • Dealing with the Elephant in the Room – Moving From Tough Conversations to Healthy Communication (Revell, 2017)
  • People Can’t Drive You Crazy If You Don’t Give Them the Keys (Revell 2012)
  • How to Communicate with Confidence (Revell 2009)
  • Evangelism for the Rest of Us – An Introvert’s Guide to Sharing Your Faith (Baker 2006)

Mike is currently a full-time speaker, author and speaker, does executive coaching for corporate leadership and training professionals, as well as mentoring leaders and speaking in a variety of settings.  He has served on multiple nonprofit boards, and is a long-time member of National Speakers Association.

His education background includes a doctorate in Higher and Adult Education from Arizona State University, as well as a BA and MA from Biola University.  His popular blog (www.mikebechtle.com) is a casual meeting place for perspective about intentional living.

Married since 1977, Mike and his wife, Diane live in Southern California and have two grown children and six grandchildren.  

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