Episode #448

How to Build Successful Habits as a Speaker

With Sara Murray

One of the best feelings as a coach at The Speaker Lab is seeing our students turn their visions into reality. In episode 448 of The Speaker Lab podcast, TSL director of Student Success Maryalice Goldsmith is joined by Sara Murray from our VIP cohort. Sara came into our program with a successful sales career under her belt and a vision for her platform: “prospecting on purpose.” Sara’s mission is to introduce salespeople to a mindset shift that helps them exude confidence and build authentic relationships with their prospects. All of this comes down to prioritizing human connection–something unfortunately lost to many sales teams today.

Sara is an incredibly visionary person and as she entered the world of speaking and entrepreneurship, she knew she needed accountability to help her accomplish her big dreams. That’s why she came to The Speaker Lab, where as she shares with Maryalice, she found accountability for all areas of building her speaking business. She also shares the creative methods she discovered while she was a TSL student for collecting testimonials, video footage, and other fundamental assets for your speaking website. For anybody wondering about the experience of being part of our Booked & Paid to speak VIP cohort, Sara has the details you’ve been dying to hear!

Something that many professionals with experience in the sales industry might struggle with is feeling defined by the income they bring. Sara addresses this challenge head on and discusses how to shift from an income to an impact mindset. This episode is full of professional development advice, whether you’re a sales professional like Sara or any aspiring speaker with big dreams.

You’ll also learn all about: 

  • How to enjoy every stage of the entrepreneurship journey.
  • How to pitch the value of your speaking services when you already create free content.
  • What lessons from hostage negotiation tactics apply to speaking.
  • Mantras to give yourself confidence as you start your speaking career.
  • How to leverage intentionality to breed success.
  • Ways your personality might influence how you prepare your talk.
  • …and so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Sara Murray

Sara Murray is an advisor, consultant, and speaker specializing in working with leaders and sales teams to unlock the untapped potential in their prospecting and business development efforts. With a focus on construction, real estate, design, and technology industries, Sara empowers professionals to enhance their communication skills, approach prospecting with creativity, and effectively address business needs rather than simply push products.

As the host of the popular podcast “Prospecting on Purpose,” Sara provides a valuable platform for discussions on prospecting, sales, business strategies, and mindset. Each week, she delivers engaging episodes featuring world-class thought leaders and shares her own insights and experiences. Through this podcast, Sara aims to help her audience connect with clients, communicate with confidence, and ultimately close deals.

With her extensive knowledge and expertise, Sara is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations transform their prospecting approaches and achieve tangible results. Her passion for empowering sales teams and her commitment to ongoing learning make her a trusted resource in the industry. Whether through her consulting services, speaking engagements, or podcast, Sara continues to make a significant impact on the success of her clients and the broader sales community.

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