Episode #464

Level Up Your ROI to Grow Your Speaking Business

With Joey Coleman

“I think speakers are being called to be even more dynamic, more impactful, and a greater return on investment if they’re addressing someone or having the pleasure of addressing someone in person and live.”

Joey Coleman joined us on the podcast this week to chat with Grant Baldwin about his journey of building a speaking business, leveraging books to create credibility, and learning how to eb with the ebbs and flow with the flows as the speaking world grows and changes to accommodate virtual and in-person events.

“Every presentation I give, I try to think about, what do each of those three separate groups want? What do they need, and how does my speech serve them? So what is the ROI for the check signer? It’s going to be a much tighter dollar ROI than for the person sitting in the crowd. But for the person sitting in the crowd, it’s going to be a behavioral ROI.”

In this episode, Grant and Joey dig into:

  • Joey’s speaking history and expertise
  • The shift in booking timelines
  • How to engage crowds virtually
  • What your marketing materials should target
  • How to make sure everyone sees the ROI of you as a speaker
  • Book publishing for your credibility
  • How to run uber specific discovery calls for success

“It’s my personal belief in my worldview that humans are humans. Regardless of industry, customers have certain things that they’re going to do. I don’t care whether you’re buying a loaf of bread or a tractor. You have certain desires, innate feelings as a human being, and the same holds true for employees. If you’re a brand new employee, I don’t care whether you’re the CFO or the call center rep, you’re going to have certain human desires that you want. What I try to do is have as the foundation for everything I do the commonality amongst humans.”

Episode Chapters:

[00:02:37] How has covid changed the state of the speaking industry?

[00:04:45] What is the percentage of your in person vs online gigs?

[00:09:48] How do you provide better solutions when what they ask for isn’t what they need?

[00:14:13] What audiences do you need to impress with your content?

[00:19:07] How to use common human desires to drive business outcomes?

[00:22:12] What does it take to focus on customer and employee engagement?

[00:27:37] How did you publish your books?

[00:31:54] Why should we read your new book?

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Joey Coleman

Joey Coleman helps companies keep their customers and employees. As an award-winning speaker, he works with organizations around the world ranging from small startups to major brands such as Volkswagen Australia, Zappos, and Whirlpool. His First 100 Days® methodology fuels the remarkable experiences his clients deliver and dramatically improves their profits. His two books have received critical acclaim and both were instant Wall Street Journal best sellers. Never Lose a Customer Again, offers strategies and tactics for turning one-time purchasers into lifelong customers and his newest book, Never Lose an Employee Again, details a framework companies around the world can use to reduce turnover and increase employee engagement. When not speaking to audiences around the globe (he’s spoken on all seven continents), Joey enjoys playing board games, building LEGO sets, and reading bedtime stories with his amazing wife and two young sons.

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