Episode #494

Building a Life of Significance Outside Your Speaking Business

With Aaron Walker

“And what I found out, Grant, that I was building a level of success financially, but I was doing it from a huge relationship deficit. And I didn’t know my daughters like I should, and I didn’t know my wife like I should.”

This week, Grant sat down with Aaron Walker, aka Big A, to talk about how to build a life of significance outside of what you do. Grant often says, “who you are is more important than what you do,” and this episode really hits on that. As driven people, it’s easy to get caught up in the outcomes, the money, and the success, but it’s important to be intentional about curating relationships that will enrich your life and make it mean more.

“Do an evaluation, like, what gives me energy? What are the things that only I can do? Because when they are taking energy, you’ve only got so much bandwidth, there’s only so much determination you can pull from, and you’re going to crash and hit the wall, which I’ve done a couple of times I’m not proud of, but I had to take months off for a period of time because I’m such a hard charger and I want to accomplish, I want to go, but I’m like, you know what? I can’t do that. So now what we’ve done is devised a plan and a strategy. I’m going to work within this framework. I’m going to work this many hours, and whatever I can get done, I’m going to get done.”

In this episode, Grant and Big A talk about:

  • 00:00 Who Big A is and his story.
  • 05:45 Success is fantastic, but how do you balance it with significance?
  • 08:04 Why boundaries and accountability are important.
  • 09:55 The importance of delegation.
  • 14:43 Optimizing for success at work and at home.
  • 16:44 How to develop better relationships with the people that matter.
  • 22:41 What does it look like to create boundaries when delegation isn’t possible?
  • 25:23 Embracing commitment to your people before your work.
  • 26:37 How speaking fits into Big A’s life and time commitments.
  • 31:43 Big A’s mastermind group
  • 34:07 How to find quality accountability partners for your life.

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Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Aaron Walker

Aaron leads the ISI Mastermind Facilitators, coaches, and serves as Visionary for View from the Top. For over 45 years, Aaron, has been a small business owner, committed husband, devoted father, and community leader. He got his first taste of real accountability in a business Mastermind group where he developed genuine friendships and grew alongside Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham, and others. He currently serves as founder and CEO of View from the Top where Iron Sharpens Iron Masterminds, business coaching, and events all coordinate to achieve the mission.

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