Episode #500

The 500th Episode Special: How Did You Get Into That

With Grant Baldwin

“I remember you kind of making this decision to turn The Speaker Lab into what it is today. You wanted to scale it, you wanted to grow it, make a bigger impact on people, and you really did, man.” – Shane Sams

Today we’re celebrating a massive milestone on The Speaker Lab Podcast, so, here’s the deal! We invited Grant’s good friend Shane Sams to interview Grant about his speaking journey, how The Speaker Lab came into existence, and what it’s been like to podcast for oh, you know, almost a decade.

As we celebrate this episode, we want to thank each and every one of you who have subscribed, listened to the show, and shared it with others over the years. We couldn’t have published 500 episodes without your support. We’re not going anywhere, either — stayed tuned for more exciting news ahead!

In this conversation, you’ll get a peek behind the scenes as they discuss:

  • 00:00 What was your dream for this podcast when you started it?
  • 05:36 Grant’s intro to podcasting and the start of the Speaker Lab dream.
  • 08:49 “But how do you actually book a gig?”
  • 10:56 How Grant evaluated and then iterated his first course.
  • 13:34 Grant’s shift from speaker to teacher, to coach.
  • 17:05 The early and long-standing speaking connections Grant made.
  • 19:44 Grant reflects on the ripple effects of the impact speaking makes for people.
  • 23:55 How Grant transitioned from church work to Speaker Lab.
  • 28:04 The importance of creating deep relationships to grow your speaking career.
  • 31:41 Grant’s take on being genuine, helpful, and intentional when networking.
  • 34:37 Shane’s personal experience with the way Grant cares for the people in his network.
  • 36:32 A real story of learning from others and building great relationships that lead to growth.

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Grant Baldwin

As founder and CEO of The Speaker Lab, Grant Baldwin has helped thousands of people build successful and sustainable speaking businesses. Over the last 15 years Grant has become a sought after speaker, podcaster, author, and accomplished entrepreneur. Featured on the Inc. 5000 list, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and the Huffington Post, he has committed his expertise and insight to equipping others to share their meaningful message with the masses. With a mission to motivate other leaders and entrepreneurs, The Speaker Lab has worked with students in all 50 US states and in over 45 countries around the world. In addition, his book The Successful Speaker as well as The Speaker Lab Podcast have impacted thousands of speakers at all levels. His leadership and dedication to creating a one-of-a-kind organizational culture are evidenced by the impact of the team he leads. Grant’s favorite moments are those spent with his high school sweetheart, Sheila, and their three daughters. They live in Nashville, Tennessee.

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