Episode #521

What To Do When Everything Goes Wrong

With Jake Thompson

“You have to think of it from a relational standpoint, first and foremost, before anything else. And just understand, sometimes things happen, but I never want a client to be upset about paying me. I always want them to pay me and think, man, we got way more than we paid.”

We talk a lot about the benefits of being a professional speaker, but there are always challenges in any business! This week, Jake Thompson is back on the show to talk about what to do when things don’t go the way you planned.

Jake is breaking down how to handle things like travel issues, contract disputes, event delays, organizers who won’t commit, and more — all pulled from his personal experiences in his speaking business over the past few years.

If you want to be a successful speaker in the long run, don’t miss this episode!

You’ll learn:

Why you should never miss a gig, no matter what
How to put yourself in the top category of speakers
How to get event organizers off the fence
What to do when your event gets rescheduled
How to handle contract issues and disputes
And much, much more!

“When you’re amazing on stage and amazing offstage, it puts you in a completely different bracket.”


Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Jake Thompson

Jake Thompson is an athlete, entrepreneur, and speaker who teaches grit, accountability, & how to compete every day for success. Over the last 12 years, Jake has worked with leaders and organizations all over the world helping them develop the mindset and skills necessary to close the gap between their current position and their full potential. Jake is a proud TCU Horned Frog and earned his MBA from the University of Dallas. He lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with his amazing wife & their three dogs, Sugar, Biscuit, & Donut.

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