Episode #535

How to Create Momentum in Your Speaking Career

With Arel Moodie

The biggest mistake that I see speakers make is that they think that if you just go on stage, and you do a good job speaking, the spinoff business will magically present itself.

Being on stage is pretty much always the most fun and most rewarding part of being a professional paid speaker — but as all experienced speakers know, what happens on stage is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to building a successful speaking business.

This week, Arel Moodie joins the show to break down how to find more paid gigs in your chosen niche through what Arel calls “spinoff business.” Arel and Grant talk about how to build a solid reputation, nurture relationships, and leverage connections to turn one speaking gig into two or three more.

Arel goes into detail about his challenges while starting out as a speaker and what tools he used to break into the industry and get past the toughest part: getting his first gig. Finally, Arel talks about a tool called Talkadot that speakers can use to expand their reach and build more connections from the stage.

If you’re ready to take your speaking business to the next level, this is a must-listen episode for you!

You’ll learn:

  • The 3 types of people in every audience
  • Why spinoff business is important
  • How to build a stellar reputation
  • Why you should join a local Chamber of Commerce
  • How to use Talkadot to grow your speaking business
  • And so much more!

Clients will book you if they have confidence that you have done well with a group like theirs in the past.

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Arel Moodie

Arel Moodie is a best-selling author and professional speaker who has spoken in 48 states and 5 countries to over 750,000 people while generating millions of dollars from his speaking business. He is also the TV Show host of “Family Reboot” on Disney+ that’s produced by Kelly Ripa.

Arel is now the co-founder of Talkadot.com, the number tool helping professional speakers land spinoff business by capturing speaking leads, testimonials and measuring the impact of their presentations with data reports from every audience they speak to.

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