Episode #6

Talk Leads To Me

With Eve DeVault Gilmore

Eve DeVault Gilmore is here this week to talk leads as a speaker. Eve’s one of our VIP concierges AND our Lead Manager here at the Speaker Lab, which means she’s got a front-row seat to helping out students find GREAT leads.

“Some unconventional tips that you can start with would be to go to LinkedIn profiles, really dream up your perfect decision maker. Search that job title anywhere you can in LinkedIn and find someone who really fits the bill.”

In this episode of Talk Speaker To Me, Eve covers:

  • Where can speakers find good leads
  • Unconventional tips to help speakers search smarter
  • The difference it makes to have a clear vision of who you’re talking to?

“Overall with the lead process, the more you search, the more you learn and then the more you know. So don’t hold back.”

Ready to learn more? Let’s Talk Leads with Eve.

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Eve DeVault Gilmore

Eve is our Elite Concierge and Lead Manager at TSL. She is a singer-songwriter who has been performing since she was a little girl. Through performance, she has cultivated a love for people, connection and building communities. Her love for customer service has brought her to TSL, where she gets to provide one on one care to students every day. When Eve isn’t working, she is hosting family and friends for dinner, making music with friends or  trying new local restaurants with her husband!

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