Episode #168

How to Create the Most Referrals From Your Speeches

With Andrew Davis

If the true hallmark of a great speech is how many referrals it generates, how can you create the most referrals from your speeches? Our guest, Andrew Davis, knows exactly how to do it and he tells us on this episode of The Speaker Lab.

In the process of becoming an international keynote speaker, Andrew has discovered how to consistently generate a high number of referrals every time he speaks to an audience.

On episode 168 he explains how he does it, which industries and which events he focuses on and why and whether or not bigger events are the better events. Join us to hear that and more on this edition of The Speaker Lab!


  • How does he know he has given a great keynote speech?
  • Does he ever recommend doing industry gigs for free?
  • What is a kingpin conference?
  • How can content production help you speak at national conferences?
  • What is the audience influence pyramid?
  • Is everyone facing similar problems, regardless of their niche?
  • The three ways he evaluates new verticals, and why he focuses on one each year.
  • Why you must focus on the speech first.
  • And so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Andrew Davis

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