Episode #530

How to Believe in Your Creativity

With Kyle Scheele

When you have an idea, you should capture that idea and put it somewhere, because you’re basically training your brain that ideas are important and I value them.”

Finding your own brand of creativity and being unique can feel like a struggle in the beginning stages of your career. This week, Kyle Scheele joins us to share some tips on that topic drawn from his own journey of using his crazy ideas to stand out.

Kyle started his career early in life when he landed a t-shirt line through Urban Outfitters across the USA and Canada. Over the course of his speaking career, Kyle has gone viral on TikTok multiple times, spoken to both youth audiences and corporate events, and over time switched paths from primarily speaking in the education space to working with larger corporate events. He believes his approachability, understandable advice, and genuine entertainment have taken him to the next level, and he’s here to tell you how to develop those things for yourself.

However, at every stage of his career (like most speakers), Kyle has had his doubts about the risks he took. During this episode, Kyle talks about how he overcame those fears by knowing and believing that he had talking points that worked. Trial and error can be difficult to embrace, but it’s a key part of learning how to grow as a world-renowned speaker. This is a great episode with a lot of practical lessons for speakers — both new and veteran alike.

You’ll learn:

  • How to find where your story intersects with the market
  • Why you need to question assumptions
  • The importance of honest feedback
  • Why you should lean on the content in your speech that works
  • How to act on your ideas
  • And much, much more!

“To be human is to be creative.”

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About Kyle Scheele

Kyle Scheele has been called “the patron saint of crazy ideas”. Whether he’s having a Viking funeral for the regrets of 21,000 people, hosting the world’s first fake marathon, or gaining a million TikTok followers in just 25 hours, Kyle is always on the lookout for crazy ideas that produce wildly outsized outcomes.

Over the last decade, his projects have been featured in outlets like Fast Company, WIRED, The Washington Post, Yahoo!, BuzzFeed, UpWorthy, Goalcast, and more. His videos have been viewed over 250 million times, and he has spoken to hundreds of thousands of audience members across the United States. More than anything, Kyle hopes that his story can inspire others to chase their own crazy ideas and become the people they were meant to be.

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