Episode #267

How to Use Creativity to Stand Out

With Jesse Cole

Jesse Cole has a unique story that highlights how to use creativity to stand out, and you are going to hear it on this edition of The Speaker Lab!

I won’t give away too many details because I don’t want to spoil it for you, but we will be hearing his modern day Field of Dreams story as well as how his entrepreneurial journey ties into his speaking business.

We also talk about how to zig when the world is zagging, why he wears a custom yellow tuxedo and much more on episode 267 of The Speaker Lab!


  • What does PFT stand for and how does it apply to being a speaker?
  • Why does he write a thank you letter every single day?
  • Has he always had the same marketing approach with his baseball team?
  • Can you develop a stronger level of creativity in your life?
  • How to use your audience’s friction points in a positive way.
  • What is the alter ego effect and how does it apply to speaking?
  • How can you use what is normal to actually be different?
  • When you give fun and have fun, then what happens?
  • And so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

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