Episode #197

How to Never Lose a Customer Again

With Joey Coleman

Wouldn’t it be great if you knew how to never lose a customer again? Absolutely! To give us insights is the man who literally wrote the book on this subject: Joey Coleman.

Joey is a full-time speaker who talks to companies about what they can do to keep their customers, especially in the first 100 days of a new customer’s journey and how to keep that customer coming back for more.

We dive into those topics as well as his one tip for providing an exceptional experience for your speaking clients. Hear what that tip is and much more on episode 197 of The Speaker Lab!


  • What percentage of customers stop doing business with a company before their 100 day anniversary?
  • How did he double his speaking fee with one gig?
  • How did he rack up over 4,000 hours of speaking before he gave he became a full-time speaker?
  • While speaking why does he give examples of both big clients and small clients?
  • Do you need to tell your audience you are a professional speaker?
  • Did he actually close his agency in under a week to become a speaker?
  • Why you should prep one hour for every minute you are speaking.
  • How much of a keynote should be customized so your audience feels your speech has been written for them?
  • And so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Joey Coleman

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