Episode #234

Intellectual Property (IP) For Speakers

With Pamela Slim

Has a company ever asked to license your material? Whether or not you’ve ever been approached, it’s important to understand the topic of intellectual property for speakers.

Here to tell us about IP for speakers is Pamela Slim. Pamela is a successful coach, author, speaker and all-around amazing woman.

On this episode of The Speaker Lab, Pam explains when and how to license your material, how to protect your IP (intellectual property), as well as how to market it, price it, and leverage it to your greatest advantage.


  • What qualifies as intellectual property?
  • How can licensing help you leverage your knowledge and tools to reach new markets?
  • When do you know licensing is your best option?
  • Do you need to be famous to license your material?
  • What is essential to intellectual property and brand recognition?
  • What are the best ways to market your licensed material and IP?
  • Why do you need to track how many people use your materials?
  • Why money shouldn’t be your sole focus when licensing your IP.
  • And so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Pamela Slim

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