Episode #178

How to Grow Your Speaking Career With Publicity

With Selena Soo

Publicity isn’t just for actors and celebrities! Learning how to grow your speaking career with publicity can be one of the fastest ways to grow your brand and your speaking platform. And to explain how is none other than publicity and media ninja, Selena Soo.

Selena is the resident expert on public relations, having worked with notable names such as Kimra Luna, Melyssa Griffin, and Farnoosh Torabi (Oprah’s money expert). She’s also helped her clients secure coverage in media outlets like Forbes, Inc.,¬†and O, The Oprah Magazine.

Today on The Speaker Lab, Selena stops by to explain why public relations and publicity matter so much to your speaking career, along with a step-by-step breakdown of the pitch process. She also shares how to leverage the media coverage you get from those pitches.

We always strive to bring you the best of the best here on The Speaker Lab, and Selena is no exception! Get your notepad ready and tune in to my conversation with Selena Soo on this edition of The Speaker Lab.


  • How did she build relationships with thought leaders early in her career?
  • What is the secret to getting people interested in you?
  • Do you have to have something “big” to give your favorite influencers?
  • How are different types of media good for different types of goals you have?
  • What is the publicity pyramid, and how do you use it?
  • Why the right audience is more important than a large audience.
  • Why a little bit of homework can go a long way when sending out media pitches.
  • What should you do after you’ve received media coverage?
  • And so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

About Selena Soo

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