Episode #473

Should Speakers Use ChatGPT?

With Jeremy Rochford

I think it’s important for speakers to be aware of it, to understand it, not be the type of speaker who’s yelling at clouds like, no, I’m going to avoid this. When used in appropriate context, it can make so many things so much easier. But the challenge, like with any new technology, is really understanding what appropriate means and really understanding the boundaries of how it can help you, but then also being self aware enough to go, maybe this is where it doesn’t help me.”

In this edition of the Coaching Corner segment, we’re digging into AI with Maryalice Goldsmith and Jeremy Rochford. This episode is a great addition to the show because they dig into leveraging AI to help you create great content. 

“Chat GPT can start the conversation, but we, as the creators, need to end the conversation. We need to take, if we’re using chat GPT, whatever it gives us, and then go, how would I say this to my tribe? How would I say this to my people?”

In this episode, Jeremy and Maryalice cover: 

  • How to think about using AI to develop your content as a speaker
  • Practical tips for using AI to create great content
  • Patterns we see in our student who have heavily relied on AI to write their talks
  • What the pros and cons are of leveraging a tool like this
  • Things to watch out for when you’re leveraging a tool that doesn’t have emotional intelligence
  • Best practices for using AI as a piece of the creative process

“I feel like this AI is the industrial revolution for entrepreneurs. I feel like we’ll look back 25 years from now and we’ll go, this is where so much of this was made possible.”


Episode Chapters:

  • 02:20 What is ChatGPT?
  • 09:15 Why are we talking about ChatGPT on the podcast?
  • 12:40 Why Chat GPT can start the conversation and help you develop it, but can’t do everything
  • 22:23 Why you should choose your language carefully so it deeply resonates with your audience.
  • 28:22 Other uses for Chat GPT
  • 29:18 Final thoughts on how to leverage it as a tool, not a done for you service.
  • 33:38 Why you have to build your talk on your own terms for it to work for you


Editor’s Note: This episode was recorded several weeks ago before recent events involving OpenAI had taken place.

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About Jeremy Rochford

With a BA in Public Relations and over 20 years of stage experience, Jeremy Rochford is no stranger to the art of performance-based communication. Specializing in speech-craft, storytelling, copywriting, humor, presentation, and performance design, Jeremy’s creative approach has entertained, and inspired, audiences of all sizes to stop dreaming and start doing. He is a TEDx speaker, best-selling author, award-winning athlete, Nashville recording artist, and certified Life/Wellness/Weight Loss Coach.

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