“All that matters is that you show up, and that you’re consistently doing it, because if you do it on a regular basis… you’re going to get better at it.”
“How do I find and book more paid speaking gigs quickly?”
“I’m just starting out, what should I prioritize right now?”
Here at TSL, we hear those two questions from speakers more than anything else. Whether you’ve never gotten paid to speak or you’ve been speaking for years, there’s a good chance you’re looking for more paid gigs. And if you’re like most business owners, you don’t have a lot of time to invest in building a new business without seeing some results.
This week, Erick Rheam is here to break down the four pillars of success that you can use to jumpstart your speaking business and start booking paid gigs in as little as 90 days or less. Erick breaks down what really matters if you want to be a successful speaker, including long-term goals, testing the market, your CRM, efficiency, accountability partners and consistency. Finally, Erick gives you some practical ways to evaluate where you stand in your speaking career.
This episode is a simple, practical roadmap to launching a speaking business and getting paid gigs in a short period of time — no matter how much speaking experience you have right now. If you don’t make time for any other podcast episode this month, make sure you listen to this one. We’ll see you out on the speaking trail!
You’ll learn:
- How to evaluate the next steps for you as a speaker
- The easiest way to prospect gigs
- A game changer towards your growth
- Why you need to build off your momentum
- Why you should never push off your daily tasks
- How a “power hour” works
- And much, much more!
“If you want to be a successful speaker, you have to be consistent.”