Episode #105

How to Use Speaking Visual Aids

With The Speaker Lab

Two listeners wrote in with two great questions this week so rather than choose one, I’m answering both on episode 105 of The Speaker Lab!

Paton left a message asking how and when to use visual aids and Todd wanted to know if he should keep using his name as his web site now that he is seeking more speaking gigs, even though he previously was promoting his music skills on that web site.

Today I’ll speak to both of these questions: I will explain why I’m not a big fan of slides, and how to use other visual cues properly in your speech or workshop.

I’ll explain why you are always the product people are buying when they hire you as a speaker and what that has to do with the domain name you choose, plus so much more! Tune in to hear it all on episode 105 of The Speaker Lab.


  • How to know if your slides are an enhancement versus a replacement.
  • Is a picture really worth a thousand words when speaking?
  • When are visual aids most powerful and impactful?
  • The three basic rules for using props in your speech.
  • How to determine what you want to be known for.
  • When should you use your name as your web site domain?
  • How to clearly communicate the primary role you want to be hired for.
  • And so much more!

Want to know exactly how to find and book more paid speaking gigs?

Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

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