Student Success Story: Darwin Li

Darwin Li

Here at The Speaker Lab, our goal is to help you get Booked and Paid to Speak. Our Student Success Stories share first hand experiences from our students of how they’ve booked paid speaking gigs and grown their businesses by applying the concepts they learned in our courses.

Why TSL?

I joined The Speaker Lab in December of 2020 because I believed it could help me fill the gap of having a message and delivering that message to a specific audience. I also knew I needed help in finding and booking paid gigs. Which was all new to me.

I am in the leadership and life coaching-life strategy industry. My nearly passing away a number of years ago helped me realize I was just living my life day to day, rather than living it in service to others. And so it was that service to others piece. How do you get to those others? That was the part that was hard. I was confident I had a message and a story to share but to deliver that content and fit it into a specific industry, that’s what I didn’t know how to do. And that’s exactly the gap that The Speaker Lab has filled.

Not only did I take full advantage of the Booked and Paid To Speak program, but I also capitalized on the Virtual VIP and Multiple Streams of Income Cohorts with Erick Rheam. I opted to take advantage of learning from a master and I believe strongly in getting advice and coaching from the best. Erick is doing amazing things in his speaking business and so I didn’t want to pass on those two opportunities to be mentored by someone I look up to.

Working with Erick helped me to crystallize my thoughts going forward. It helped me establish a path forward both within my speaking business and possibly additional revenue streams outside of speaking, such as a book or maybe consulting.

What are some A-ha’s and takeaways…

From the Booked and Paid To Speak Elite program, my a-ha’s and takeaways came from the coaching. The coaching really is what brought it all to life for me. Being coached by all the different coaches brought tremendous clarity for my speaking business and my life. It gave me the direction I needed to create a professional speaking business that fits me and allows me to be of service to those I speak to.

The group coaching calls were fantastic as well! It was amazing to be able to see other students who are a part of your speaking tribe walking the walk right along with you.  Let’s face it, as a solopreneur speaker you don’t normally get that interaction and so it was really nice to have a tribe around me like that walking the same path together. Not to mention, my behind the scene connections I was able to have with students. Those were always insightful and encouraging interactions.

As far as The Virtual VIP Cohort… one exercise that really stood out for me was when Erick took our expert positioning statement, something we do in the Elite course, and wrapped it into a series of marketing products that you can then use in the marketplace to sell your talk. That was really incredible. He also showed us how to turn these marketing materials into something an event planner or an organizer or the head of a company can consume quickly without leaving out too much at the same time. It was really enlightening.

In terms of the Multiple Streams of Income with Erick, the big takeaway was knowing my options and seeing how my speaking business can evolve into something bigger than I had even imagined.  I’m early in my speaking career and so these different streams of income aren’t immediately in front of me, but what I really appreciated is that he laid out those milestones ahead of me for the area where I want to specialize. Whether that may be a book or consulting, because of my time with Erick, I am confident in what steps I will need to take to make that my reality.

What is your new normal in your speaking business?

I fully understand and honor that daily and consistent effort is required to breathe oxygen into my speaking business. Gigs won’t just come. I need to be working my pipeline, building relationships, and nurturing my business in some way daily. This is how I landed my first gig which was such a joyous occasion. I can confidently say, I wouldn’t be here creating this business the way that I am without The Speaker Lab.

Of course, not every day is perfect. Life gets busy and I don’t hit my target daily, but today, because of the guidance of the coaches and the Elite content, I know what works and what doesn’t. From there it’s a simple daily choice of what matters most.

Who would you recommend to The Speaker Lab and why?

I would recommend The Speaker Lab to someone who feels called to share their message and has a strong desire to make an impact with that message. I think that’s the person that should join The Speaker Lab.

I would also add that I examined several options. Somehow The Speaker Lab kept popping up on my Facebook newsfeed. Clearly, the algorithm knew what I needed. The Speaker Lab has proven they are not just in this to make money, they are here to help you to connect your message with the world. It has been so worth my investment.

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