Student Success Story: Deepika Sandhu

Here at The Speaker Lab, our goal is to help you get Booked and Paid to Speak. Our Student Success Stories share first hand experiences from our students of how they’ve booked paid speaking gigs and grown their businesses by applying the concepts they learned in our courses.

Why TSL?

I was on my book tour for my book, Hello Universe, It’s Me which came out in January of 2021. I was traveling up and down the coast of California meeting people in small intimate circles. The more people I spoke to the more I realized how much they were connecting to what I was saying. I could feel how powerful of an impact I was having on people. I knew I needed to do more of this but I wasn’t exactly sure what that looked like or how I would accomplish it. So, at the time I didn’t have a speaking business but after my book tour I knew I wanted one. It’s one of those things that literally found me.

Out of nowhere, I swear, these Instagram and Facebooks ads were popping up on my newsfeed. I never Googled a thing, but there The Speaker Lab was as if they were reading my brain. It’s been incredible because it has turned out to be a really great journey for me.

What have been some A-ha’s and takeaways?

That I could do this!! After going through the Virtual VIP, Elite and Stagecraft I had the confidence to know that this could be a serious business for me.

Stagecraft, in my opinion, is the very best thing that The Speaker Lab has to offer.

Rick is absolutely phenomenal on every level. Stagecraft really helped me go in and fully refine my talk. Not just in the words that were going to be said, but how those words were going to be said. It gave me the confidence to command the stage, whether it be virtual or in person, and really to learn proper stage technique. Rick was full of tips, tools, and strategies that allowed me to convey so much more with my speech beyond just words.

I also have to say one of the best parts of that class was the cohort of individuals in it! Going through the program with people from different backgrounds and hearing all their amazing stories was really inspiring. It made me feel even more empowered that becoming a professional speaker is 100% possible for me. I was really grateful for my cohort peers and the overall experience.The cohort experience is powerful. You connect on a much deeper level with your peers who are similar to you but also to those who are different. It’s all inspiring.

What is your new normal?

I just love it. I have the confidence to get on that stage every time and make an impact! To me, this is the big shift. Don’t get me wrong, I get nervous, but I know I belong on that stage. I know that my story resonates. I knew this on my book tour, but I didn’t realize how much more it would evolve, how much deeper that would go until I took these classes.

So now when I hit the stage, I know that I’m there to influence the room. Whether that be the entire room or you just one person, that is completely and totally powerful. It’s worth every moment that I spent refining the talk, crafting the talk, and practicing the talk. I absolutely love going out on stage and seeing the spark of a new thought or the spark of an epiphany that someone is having in my audience. To know I am helping people shift directions and follow their truth is powerful.

In 2022 alone I have done 18 speaking events and one of those was abroad. So my new normal is I am a professional speaker. I am at the beginning stages but I can see how this works and I am excited to continue this journey and grow my business.

Would you recommend The Speaker Lab?

Absolutely! While the program is designed for someone who wants to be a professional speaker, I honestly feel that this program is great for people who are coaches, influencers, writers and authors, and in a variety of different professional fields.

If you want to feel more confident telling your story, if you want to tailor your story to reach a larger audience I really do think this program is for you. I don’t think it’s just limited to people who desire to be professional speaker. Look at me! I thought I was just going to be a writer. I thought, I’m going to write some books, sip coffee and watch the book sales come in. What I realized for myself is yes, I’m a writer, but I’m a writer with a story that needs to be shared on many platforms and professional speaking is one of them.

The Speaker Lab has all you need to confidently and clearly share your story and influence those around you.


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