Student Success Story: Dr. Lori Eanes

Here at The Speaker Lab, our goal is to help you get Booked and Paid to Speak. Our Student Success Stories share first hand experiences from our students of how they’ve booked paid speaking gigs and grown their businesses by applying the concepts they learned in our courses.


I was being asked to speak by various healthcare organizations but not getting paid. I realized, when they kept coming back to me, asking me to deliver a message to their various healthcare and insurance organizations, why am I only making a hundred dollars? What’s happening here?

After practicing medicine for more than 20 years and being in the rooms of over 60,000 patients, I knew I had something to say. I wanted to deliver this message on a larger scale and get paid! That is where The Speaker Lab came in.

Today, as an Integrative Doctor, I speak to doctors about not only treating patients but teaching them how to be well. I also speak to corporate wellness programs about their “health portfolio”. When we get employees healthy it increases productivity, it decreases absenteeism, and reduces corporations insurance costs.


The Speaker Lab program provides a structure and to me, structure is everything because whether the task at hand is big or small, structure makes it easier to accomplish. As a doctor, I am a structured person, I had been trying to build my speaking business on my own and it was time to be honest with myself and say, this isn’t working.

I needed the structure of the system and the SPEAK Framework gave that to me.

I found it beneficial from crafting my keynote speech to implementing the business systems of how to approach prospective clients and everything else in between.

I had been watching Grant for at least a year. I was impressed how he went from a youth minister to a successful speaker who then went on to share his knowledge of the speaking industry. I had paid for other programs, not exactly at the same level as TSL, but I had paid for other programs that were content rich and and more self-guided.

I got as much as I could get from them but I realized I really needed a coach.

The Speaker Labs program is rich in content and coaching. So, I follow through with my coach every month to get some tips, insights, and feedback. It has been so helpful in guiding me in my journey to building a successful speaking business. I can’t say enough about it.


I started out by saying I wasn’t getting paid for my speaking, but now I am. And… the fee keeps going up!

When I started, they were giving me honorariums. A few dollars for lunch money. Starbucks cards. Yes. Starbucks cards! But, now after going through The Speaker Lab the fee has increased and I ended up getting three speaking opportunities and one was with one of the biggest healthcare associations in the country, one of the academies.

I know where my audience is and I know the problem I solve and when you get super clear on this, it’s amazing how the momentum grows.


If you have a message to deliver and can impact lives with that message, then I think The Speaker Lab is for you. I truly believe you have to have a message that matters. You can certainly be the person who is an entertainer and simply brings joy to the lives of others. That’s a message.

But I think anyone who thinks or believes they have a message, in order to get it out into the world, you need a coach. The Speaker Lab is where you are going to get the most comprehensive program and coaching that will help you craft your message, define your audience and help take your skills to a higher level.

So, I think anyone who has a message that they feel they can deliver to others, really needs to be in this program.


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