Student Success Story: Dr. Peggy DeLong

Here at The Speaker Lab, our goal is to help you get Booked and Paid to Speak. Our Student Success Stories share first hand experiences from our students of how they’ve booked paid speaking gigs and grown their businesses by applying the concepts they learned in our courses.


My main topic is gratitude, and I also speak on resilience and happiness. 

I had been speaking for about 20 years since I started my private practice, and part of it back then was publicity to let people know that I had a private practice. I was doing a lot of speaking for free and more speaking for free and more speaking for free.

I was craving more and what really inspired me to join the Speaker Lab was actually an episode with you and Nanette when you were talking about purpose. On that episode you mentioned what might motivate you is the financial piece of your why. You referenced that becoming a speaker could possibly change your financial situation. It could be as simple as get rid of that clunker and purchasing a brand new car. 

Well, I had a clunker back then, and my clunker actually just died. It had 240,000 miles on it! It was a dedicated clunker that my three adult children shared, and now it’s in the driveway waiting to be towed. Speaking inspires me to not live with so much stress. My message and the impact I see it making is inspiring and I know I’m really onto something that people do want to hear about.


There is so much value from the ins and outs of a speaker agreement to the process of negotiating your fees over the phone. I love the way the modules are designed because it really guides you through the process regardless of what stage of a speaker you are. I’ve been speaking for 20 years, but I needed to start with module one to really hone in on my topic and then move to the next module to really prepare it and make it the best that it can be.

The logistics of running the business is what I really didn’t have much experience with and the SPEAK Framework definitely gave me that. 

The coaching has been very impactful. I love that there is always somebody available to guide you through those really big decisions. I had an amazing and the biggest opportunity to date that came my way. I simply reached out to my coach, Rick and we hopped on a call to discuss how to best negotiate my fees. Rick encouraged me to go big. I would have never asked for what I asked for without this guidance. I would have been stuck in that ‘play small’ headspace. 

Joining TSL has really allowed for this big a-ha moment that there are people out there that want and need speakers like myself to speak about happiness, gratitude, and mental health. 


One result is I have hired a professional to film my nest event to ensure my marketing assets are on point. I wasn’t aware of the importance of letting event planners see you in action. Pictures on your website are great, but having a video of you really helps event planners get a true taste for the type of speaker you are. I am really excited for this project because I know this will help me level up even more. 

I have increased my speaking fees by 20x the amount!! The coaching and the community really helped me with this. Seeing and connecting with other like-minded speakers in the TSL community has been a gamechanger. Being in private practice as a therapist, I didn’t realize how much I needed these connections. They have been so valuable to me. 

Since I have increased my rates I am seeing my energy is at a higher level and the people who are coming to my workshops and events are more invested. Money has a way of doing that. It helps those investing be more invested and those receiving the funds show up at a higher level. 


I would recommend TSL to anybody at any level who wants to speak. I have come across brand new speakers in the program, and then there’s someone like me who has 20 years of  speaking experience. I think there’s something for everybody in this program, but you truly get out of it what you put in to it.

You have to make time to go through all of the modules, make the time to reach out to the coaches and connect with other people. It truly is for anybody who wants to level up in any way. The Speaker Lab has what you need to be successful, you simply have to show up and trust the process. 


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