Student Success Story: Gaelin Elmore

Here at The Speaker Lab, our goal is to help you get Booked and Paid to Speak. Our Student Success Stories share first hand experiences from our students of how they’ve booked paid speaking gigs and grown their businesses by applying the concepts they learned in our courses.


I work with people who want to help children overcome trauma and unleash their potential. I do this by helping adults create belonging for kids who come from difficult situations. 

I actually received The Successful Speaker book that Grant wrote from my wife. I read that and started to implement the steps and I was successfully getting gigs. What I noticed was my business was gaining momentum, which was awesome, but I had concern that I wasn’t going to be able to keep up. I knew I needed systems and processes in place to run the business of being a professional speaker. The book and the podcast were such valuable resources for me, but I knew I needed the coaching so that I could create the rhythms and procedures of my own business. 


My expert positioning statement, point blank, I needed to know what problem I was solving and who I was solving it for. When I first came to TSL I was speaking about adversity and resilience. I worked overtime in my speaking business to make everything fit into that box. 

After working just on module one I realized that I wasn’t meant to speak about that. It all clicked! This is why content was so challenging and I was always feeling that my message wasn’t truly resonating. Just by working on my expert positioning statement I realized I wanted to talk to adult about helping kids in difficult situations feel that sense of belonging. 

Since making this shift my marketing is definitely resonating and I am actually booking more gigs than before. I feel more clear and concise which is important when it comes to prospecting. I am doing what I am passionate about and my business is gaining more and more momentum. 


As of February of 2022 I transitioned into full-time speaking, which has been the goal. I spend my days working my CRM, practicing my keynotes, and preparing for any events I have coming up. I am implementing what I came to TSL for – systems and procedures to run a successful speaking business. 


Honestly, I would recommend it to anybody, whether you are an experienced speaker and you’ve done that for a long time, or you’re considering taking the leap. There’s such a big difference between being someone who’s good at speaking and being someone who’s good at running a professional speaking business. Both are equally important, right? I got into this thinking , oh, I have a story. I’m a gifted speaker. But I quickly realized I have no idea how to run the business – the day to day. The Speaker Lab gave that to me – the confidence to run my speaking business professionally. 

It also helped me become a better speaker. If you are serious about wanting to become a professional speaker, The Speaker Lab gives you all the tools from speaking to running the business.

I am not going to lie, the investment was a lot. I was intimidated, but I am happy to report since investing I have made 10x that amount. So, if you are serious about becoming a speaker, I highly recommend TSL. 


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