Before becoming a Booked and Paid To Speak Elite Student I was getting gigs but they weren’t gigs that provided any remuneration.. The audience was my HR target market or the business community I serve, but they also weren’t converting to paying clients. I knew there was something missing in my messaging and/or ability to express value in working with me beyond the speaking presentation. Getting free registration at the events I spoke at was great, but I had to figure out how to monetize this in order to make it a legitimate speaking business.
The Speaker Lab really helped me narrow down my message and hone in on 3 core topics; Transforming The Human In Human Resources, The Generational Diversity piece and The DISC Model of Human Behavior all of which show the value of connecting better with others and that is what my message is all about, the human element. All of those keynotes and presentations are directly connected to that message and mission. TSL helped me see that more clearly than I ever had before.
I loved the group coaching sessions. There were nuggets in every one of them whether I asked a question or not. The one on one sessions really helped to draw out the A-HA moments and realizations that I couldn’t see right in front of me all the while. Had it not been for these sessions, I would have missed out on opportunities that were staring me right in the face. It’s so easy to get in our own way, and the one-on-one coaching really helps you get out of your own way and pull out your next greatest idea that often left me feeling like “wow, how did I not see that?”
The Speaker Lab also helped me become more proactive with a systematic approach to getting booked and paid to speak. We have to remember as speakers we’re in a business and we need to find and work our own leads. TSL teaches you how to do that and so much more, it becomes the main system of your business, and systems are where business growth can thrive.
Since doing the Elite program so many exciting things are happening. I have greater confidence in knowing that my message has value, bigger value and reach than I thought before. My book just came out, which has been a two year labor of love. I am geared up to speak at the Human Resource Florida State Conference where I’ll be talking about Transforming The Human In Human Resources. I’ve got a one hour session there and a two hour masterclass on The Complete Manager Makeover.
I have spoken at HR Florida for six years, but now after working with TSL, I now know how to monetize that room. Which gives me the chills to think about!
The community, the coaching, the insight… TSL truly helps you get booked and paid to speak. BUT! YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK. Just like if you were doing your master’s degree or your doctorate, you have to do the work but also do the work in sequence. I can’t express how important that is to success in the program. Grant’s framework works and it is designed intentionally, so I strongly recommend you follow it exactly as it is intended, don’t skip thinking, “oh I already got that part”. Do it again, the way Grant’s program outlines it. You won’t be sorry.
If you are someone who is on the fence and you’re not sure this is for you, yet you know you want to build a speaking business and be a paid speaker. Just do it… just do it. It’s worth every penny and then some. Trust me, you will see the results if you do the work.