Student Success Story: William Martin

Here at The Speaker Lab, our goal is to help you get Booked and Paid to Speak. Our Student Success Stories share first hand experiences from our students of how they’ve booked paid speaking gigs and grown their businesses by applying the concepts they learned in our courses.

Why TSL?

I was just speaking as a hobby. What The Speaker Lab suggested was speaking could actually be a business if I got organized. It made me realize that if I got more focused, I could have great success. So, your ads piqued my interest, and in digging deeper, it clarified it can be more than just a hobby with the proper strategies in place.

Today, I help people become the best version of themselves. Workers, leaders, and I do that using the latest neuroscience and cognitive psychology.

What impact did the SPEAK Framework have on you and your business?

I think the most effective piece for me was those group SPEAK Live calls. I found it beneficial to interact with other speakers and TSL professional coaches who are actually in the business and understand the different nuances of running a speaking business.

The one-on-one coaching calls were huge. I found being focused and narrowing in on what I needed to work on for the most impactful momentum in my business helpful. I also felt Module 2 on Preparing Your Talk was very helpful. It helps me focus on what my own framework is trying to accomplish.
How to scale. If I hadn’t listened to this information, I wouldn’t have known how to add additional options to my business. I would have never had that discussion with my coach and, therefore, would have never landed a consultant gig. Having my coach help me brainstorm positioning and pricing to make this possible. It also gave me the confidence to show up professionally to serve my clients in this capacity. I am very passionate about my work, so this made perfect sense for all involved.

What results have you seen in your business?

I actually laugh when I think about it, but this time last year, I made $25,000 in my speaker business… for the ENTIRE year. Fast forward to 2023 October, November, and December I am going to make $40,000 in just 3 months! It literally brings tears to my eyes. I often wonder, am I talking about myself?! The best part is I’m in an unusual position. I am retired and don’t really need to work… however, I am most certainly enjoying the extra money!

When I came to The Speaker Lab, I had a whimsical idea that I could get on more stages and possibly make more money. After going through The Speaker Lab, I now have a platform. Before TSL, it was random with no point of direction. Today, with the help of TSL, I have fine-tuned things and have an actual speaking business with a clear direction.

It doesn’t happen by itself. You have to put in the work. It’s not magic, right? The other piece is that you have to believe that you have a message. Believing in your message will help you serve your audience at a higher level. My goal is to create an environment for my audience to feel safe and, therefore, available to receive the message and be impacted.

Who would you recommend The Speaker Lab to?

I’ve made back more than five times what the program cost me. I was thinking about going back to college to take a course in public speaking, maybe enroll in a couple of semesters, and possibly get another degree. I looked at the price of that and compared it to The Speaker Lab and decided I would rather do this. So I traded the paper degree and the illusion of an education. We all know the degree means nothing until you apply everything you were taught. So to me, the price of The Speaker Lab is the same as a college education.

If you are inclined to learn and explore the business of speaking, I highly recommend The Speaker Lab. It will give you confidence, help you get focused, and, surprisingly, it will help you in other areas of your life. If you are reading this, explore the question, “Should I do The Speaker Lab?” The answer is yes. The very fact that you are exploring it means the desire is there. Now you simply need to say yes to yourself and your desires.


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