The Speaker Lab Podcast

Practical advice from the world’s most successful speakers.

#490: How Finding Your Niche Will Unlock Your Growth with Amy Pechacek
 “I did not see this being a full time gig at the time. I just thought I was going to be speaking, like, at churches or something, right? So I thought I was speaking at women events, women’s conferences and things like that while doing my nine to five, maybe on the weekends.” This week, Grant Baldwin sat down with former TSL Student, Amy Pechacek, to dig into her speaking journey,...
#490: How Finding Your Niche Will Unlock Your Growth with Amy Pechacek
 “I did not see this being a full time gig at the time. I just thought I was going to be speaking, like, at churches or something, right? So I thought I was speaking at women events, women’s conferences and things like that while doing my nine to five, maybe on the weekends.” This week, Grant Baldwin sat down with former TSL Student, Amy Pechacek, to dig into her speaking journey,...

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#284: How to Find Your First Paid Speaking Gig with Bryan Allain (Part II)
Welcome! This is part two of our how to find your first paid speaking gig. If you missed part one you can listen to it here. Then come back and join us for the second half of our talk with Bryan Allain. Bryan...
How Speakers Should Handle Their Finances in This COVID World With Mike Michalowicz
Grant Baldwin and Mike Michalowicz hosted a Facebook Live to talk about how speakers should handle their finances in the midst of crisis. During the live stream, Grant and Mike discuss: Pivoting business...
How Speakers Can Diversify Their Business With Carrie Wilkerson
Grant Baldwin and Carrie Wilkerson hosted a Facebook Live to talk about how speakers can diversify their business. During the live stream, Grant and Carrie discuss: Starting her brand as “The Barefoot...
How to Book Virtual Speaking Gigs With Erick Rheam
Grant Baldwin and Erick Rheam hosted a Facebook Live to talk about how speakers can convert live events that are postponed or canceled into virtual gigs. During the live stream, Grant and Erick discuss: Booking...
#283: Staying Positive on Your Speaking Journey with Jon Gordon
Staying positive on your speaking journey will help you succeed, and our guest today is the perfect example of this. Jon Gordon is the author of Stay Positive, The Energy Bus, and many other best-sellers....
How Event Planners Are Responding to the Coronavirus With Josh McGhee
Grant Baldwin and Josh McGhee hosted a Facebook Live to talk about how event planners are responding to the coronavirus, and its impact on the speaking industry. During the live stream, Grant and Josh...
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