12 Simple Exercises to Build Confidence In Any Situation

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If you’ve ever felt like shrinking away from a challenge or opportunity because it seemed too daunting, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel afraid sometimes, but if that fear is preventing you from being able to ever take a chance, then it’s time to start working on your confidence. Confidence gives you the strength to be your true self, no matter your circumstances. With confidence building exercises, you can practice having the courage to take on challenges so that when it happens for real, you’re ready.

Embarking on the path to bolster your self-assurance doesn’t mean you have to reinvent yourself in a single evening. Getting started involves crafting modest objectives that gradually usher in significant transformations. So, let’s focus on taking one step at a time, celebrating each victory along the way, and remembering that progress is always better than perfection.

The Importance of Building Confidence

According to Psychology Today, confident people enjoy better relationships, resiliency, and motivation. This isn’t about puffing your chest out in false bravado; it’s about genuine belief in yourself. With confidence, you’re more likely to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Even when setbacks happen, confident individuals can handle them better because they believe they can overcome them. Overall, believing in yourself results in better performance whether at work or personal endeavors.

In addition, researchers from the University of Sussex found our brains are hardwired to respect confident folks’ opinions over those who lack faith in themselves. So by boosting our own confidence levels through targeted exercises, we’re not only improving how we see ourselves but also how others perceive us.

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Exercises to Enhance Your Self-Esteem

If you’re looking for ways to start building your confidence, we have a couple of exercises for you to consider. Both are backed by science and may surprise you with their effectiveness.

#1: Embracing the Power Pose

You’ve probably heard, “Fake it till you make it,” right? But did you know there’s actual science backing that up, especially when we talk about power poses? Striking a Superman or Wonder Woman stance isn’t just for kicks. It can genuinely shift your brain chemistry.

A study by social psychologist Amy Cuddy revealed something fascinating: holding high-power poses for as little as two minutes can significantly increase testosterone levels (aka confidence) and decrease cortisol levels (aka stress). So next time you’re feeling low on self-esteem or facing a nerve-wracking situation like an interview or presentation—strike a pose. Seriously. Lock yourself in the bathroom if you have to and go full superhero mode. You might be surprised at how powerful you feel afterward.

#2: Leaning Into Positive Affirmations

It’s easy to overlook the immense strength that lies in our own words, particularly those we tell ourselves. Ever caught your inner voice being overly harsh? Well, it’s time to give that voice some positive material to work with through affirmations. Affirmations are meant to remind yourself of what’s true about yourself so that you’re not paralyzed by your situation. Examples would be:

  • “I am capable.”
  • “I am worthy of good things.”
  • “My challenges help me grow.”

The key is repetition; these aren’t just one-and-done deals. Recite them daily—during your morning routine, while driving or whenever negative thoughts try creeping in. Repeating positive affirmations helps rewire our brains over time towards more optimistic thinking patterns which naturally lead us toward building greater self-esteem. But remember—it’s not magic. To truly see the effects, it’s all about sticking with it day in and day out.

Tackling exercises such as power poses and positive affirmation may seem small but they pack quite the punch in boosting our self-confidence. Even if you’re skeptical at first, try integrating these into your day-to-day life. You may be surprised by how much more confident you feel.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts for Greater Confidence

In addition to building confidence, it’s also important to recognize ways in which you doubt yourself. That means identifying your negative beliefs. Think of this step like weeding a garden before you plant flowers. Clearing the soil of weeds helps the flowers (or your confidence) to better grow and flourish.

#3: Identifying and Challenging Negative Beliefs

Inside each of our heads is a voice that tells us we’re not good enough, smart enough, or capable of achieving our dreams. These are negative thoughts, and they love to crash the party uninvited.

To address these negative thoughts, you first have to identify them. It sounds simple but think about it—how often do you actually stop to listen to what that inner critic is saying? Once you pinpoint those negative beliefs, challenge them. Ask yourself if they’re truly accurate or if it’s just your fear talking out loud. If you’re having trouble identifying these thoughts on your own, you may consider hiring a life coach or a therapist.

#4: Transforming Negative into Positive Thoughts

Once you start to get the hand of identifying negative thoughts, you’re ready to transform them into positive thoughts. Take a look at some of these strategies.

  • Rewrite the script: Caught yourself thinking “I’m going to fail”? Flip it on its head. Try “I have everything I need to succeed.”
  • Morning affirmations: Start your day by telling yourself something positive. “I am capable.” “I am strong.” This isn’t just feel-good fluff; studies back up its effectiveness in boosting confidence.
  • Celebrate small wins: Overcame a minor setback? Celebrate it. Bit by bit, these triumphs accumulate, laying the foundation for a stronger, more optimistic mindset.

Negative thoughts might seem like formidable foes at first glance. But the more you practice confidence-building exercises, the quicker you can recognize these thoughts when they occur. You’ll even get better at realizing their irrational nature compared to reality. Navigating the maze of pessimistic thoughts involves not merely silencing them but also converting these instances into opportunities for personal development.

Practical Tips for Feeling More Confident Daily

One of the best ways to build confidence is to exercise it daily. In other words, try making a habit of it. Focusing on even just one of the simple habits below can help improve your self-esteem.

#5: Making Eye Contact as a Confidence Booster

Making eye contact isn’t about intimidating others. It’s about connecting with other people and letting them know you’re present in the moment, listening and participating. Studies show that good eye contact can literally make you more memorable and likable. Simply by looking someone in the eyes during a conversation, you appear more confident, trustworthy, and sure of yourself. So next time you’re chatting with someone, make eye contact—not in a creepy way, but enough to say “I’m here with you.”

#6: Fake It Till You Make It

Even if you don’t feel confident, acting as though you are (perhaps by creating an alter ego) can trick your brain out of its anxieties. As a result, you just might find yourself overcoming situations that might otherwise petrify you.

This doesn’t mean becoming someone you’re not. Rather, it encourages you to embrace courage over comfort until genuine self-assurance blooms. And just so you know—there’s nothing quite like looking back at what used to scare you only to find out it has lost its grip on you.

#7: Understanding The Role of Social Media in Self-Perception

Social media can be a help and a hinderance when it comes to self-esteem. On one hand, it’s great for staying connected; on the other hand, it can be an endless pit of comparison traps. When scrolling on social media, exercise these strategies in order to build confidence.

  • Lift others up: Instead of scrolling through your feed feeling green-eyed over everyone’s highlight reel, try leaving positive comments or sharing content that inspires or entertains. Creating positivity not only helps others feel good but boosts your own mood too.
  • Curate your feed: Follow accounts that inspire and uplift rather than ones that leave you feeling less-than-stellar after checking them out.
  • Consider a digital detox: Sometimes stepping away is what we need most to reset our perception and focus on real-life achievements over online personas.

Social media doesn’t have to dictate how we feel about ourselves if we approach it mindfully. Taking control back starts with us, and deciding who gets space on our feeds—and in our heads—matters immensely for maintaining healthy self-perception levels daily.

Setting Goals to Foster Self-Confidence

Building confidence doesn’t happen in a day, and that’s okay. To keep yourself motivated, try breaking down big goals and celebrating milestones.

#8: Breaking Big Goals into Achievable Steps

Looking at the big picture can provide helpful perspective. However, it can also make your goals feel impossible and demotivate you from pursuing them. As a result, it’s often more helpful to break your goals down into small, manageable steps so that you don’t feel as overwhelmed.

Setting small goals is a smart idea no matter what you’re pursuing. Want to write a book? Start with a page. Dreaming of running a marathon? Begin with jogging around the block. By breaking your massive dream into bite-sized pieces, you’re not just making progress—you’re building confidence brick by brick.

#9: Celebrating Quick Wins to Build Momentum

Once you’ve broken your overarching goal down into smaller steps, you can start celebrating milestones in your journey. Did you achieve that daily word count? Run your first mile without stopping? Great! Then celebrate that win by pumping your fists in the air, and maybe even treating yourself to something nice.

Every win is proof—solid, undeniable evidence—that you’re moving forward and capable of achieving more than yesterday. It’s not a matter of blind positivity or overlooking hurdles. Rather, it’s an acknowledgment and appreciation of personal development. And guess what happens next? You can start setting bigger goals because now you know, deep down in your bones, that you can achieve them.

Practicing Confidence-Building Exercises with Accountability

Confidence-building exercises are a great way to begin your journey to better self-esteem. However, sometimes it can be hard to stick to your plan, especially when you’re still in the early stages. In these cases, having an accountability partner is invaluable.

#10: Finding Accountability Partners in Building Confidence

An accountability partner isn’t just any friend or colleague. They’re your personal cheerleader, challenger, and reality-checker all rolled into one. Think of them as your gym buddy but for life goals and confidence boosts. Take a look at some of the ways an accountability partner can help you out.

  • Positive Affirmations: Ever had someone remind you how awesome you are? That’s what accountability partners are for. They stand by your side, ensuring you’re reminded of your greatness whenever doubt tries to creep in. On days when negative thoughts try to take over, having someone who gives you positive affirmations can be incredibly uplifting.
  • Ditching the Comparison Trap: Your accountability partner helps keep your eyes on your own paper. No more looking over at social media feeds and feeling down because everyone else seems to have their life together except you.
  • Celebrating the Wins: Every step forward deserves recognition; even small wins matter. Having someone celebrate those moments with you makes them feel even sweeter.

The best part about having an accountability partner? You get to be that person for them too. It’s a two-way street where both of you push each other towards greatness while making sure neither falls too hard during tough times.

Strategies for Dealing with Rough Days

Just like athletes who get tired during sports practice, it’s easy to grow weary of confidence-building exercises. After all, a lot of mental energy and stamina is required to pursue better confidence, as well as a lot of time. On days when things are rough and you feel like throwing in the towel, it’s important to recognize and overcome your fear of failure. Doing so will help you recollect yourself and muster the courage to keep at it.

#11: Recognizing and Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Our fear of failure convinces us we’re about to drop the ball at any moment. However, recognizing this fear is half the battle won. Once you’ve done that, there are several strategies you can employ to overcome the fear.

  • Consider the Outcomes: Start by imagining the worst-case scenario—then plan your way around it. This strategy isn’t just mental gymnastics; it actually helps reduce anxiety. Because once you have a game plan for even the grimmest outcomes, what’s there left to fear?
  • Focus on What You Can Control: Instead of fretting over every possible mishap (like weather ruining your outdoor event), channel your energy into actionable steps within reach (like having an indoor backup plan).
  • Show Yourself Some Compassion: Had a bad day? It happens—to everyone. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to a friend in distress.
  • Create Mini Milestones: This isn’t just about breaking down tasks; it’s about setting small achievable goals that build momentum and remind you—you got this.

You might still have those days when everything seems impossible but remember they’re just moments in time—not life sentences. In addition, remind yourself that strength isn’t just physical prowess but also resilience. So next time you’re facing off against a rough day or grappling with fear of failure, pull out your positive affirmations and keep moving.

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The Journey Towards High Self-Esteem

Exercises for building confidence are all well and good, but unless you have a healthy mindset, progress will minimal. To be fair, positivity is a skill that can be difficult at first, but with practice it can improve.

#12: Cultivating a Mindset for Success

Your ability to radiate confidence largely depends on your mindset. With a mindset geared towards success, you can become a pro at spotting the silver lining, no matter what gets thrown your way. For instance, when you’re working on any given task, fight again perfectionism. Not only will it make the task feel more daunting, but you’ll also end up much more stressed than you need to be. And if you make a mistake? Again, fight that need to get it perfect. Instead, view your failures as lessons in how to do better.

Fostering this can-do mindset becomes a lot easier when you spend more time with supportive people. So don’t be afraid to seek them out—and don’t be afraid to offer a little support yourself. After all, that’s how communities are formed.


To be sure, nurturing your self-esteem is a journey that takes time and effort. To start building confidence, practice exercises like positive affirmations and power posing daily. And don’t let negative self-talk get to you—identify and challenge those doubting voices in your head so that you can refocus on the task before you. Incorporating these practices into your daily routines is a great way to make steady progress—and so is accountability. An accountability partner is there for you on the rough days when you need a little extra help, whether you’re dealing with a fear of failure or need help getting to the gym.

By embracing those small steps, celebrating each win, and focusing on progress, your self-esteem can only improve.  So take that first step today; greatness awaits on the other side.


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