Episode #26

How to Add a Speaking Page to Your Existing Website

With The Speaker Lab

On this episode of The Speaker Lab it’s another great Q&A show! Today I’m answering one question, and only one because it’s such a great question! It comes from our friend Bryan in South Africa. He wants to know about a very important aspect of professional speaking: website creation and management.

My advice to Bryan has several parts including how speaking can fit into your existing business, how my websites have progressed as my speaking career has grown and finally what content should be most prominent on your website to achieve the maximum result.

Whether you have an existing speaking career or you want to get started as a speaker you’ll learn plenty from today’s show. Sit back, listen in and enjoy episode 26 of The Speaker Lab!


  • Why is it important to have a website as a speaker?
  • Where should you put your speaking information on your website?
  • How can you entice people to view your site?
  • What is the “fold” and how can you use it?
  • What is the difference between the home page and the speaking page?
  • How to have a sharp one-page website.
  • The importance of having an About page.
  • What should be included on your contact page, and what shouldn’t?
  • And much, much more!

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Download our 18-page guide to the 6 proven steps you can use to book more paid speaking gigs in 2024!

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