The Speaker Lab Podcast

Practical advice from the world’s most successful speakers.

This Week's Episode

#479: Overcoming Failure & Laughing About it Later with Matt Matkovich & Phil Januszewski
“We’re more willing to be our genuine organic selves, which is going to attract other like minded people, that we can find our group, find our people, and take over the world in a positive way.” Today, Brittany Richmond sat down on the podcast with her speaker friends Matt Matkovich and Phil Januszewski to talk about what it’s like being a speaking duo! Matt and Phil have been speaking...
#479: Overcoming Failure & Laughing About it Later with Matt Matkovich & Phil Januszewski
“We’re more willing to be our genuine organic selves, which is going to attract other like minded people, that we can find our group, find our people, and take over the world in a positive way.” Today, Brittany Richmond sat down on the podcast with her speaker friends Matt Matkovich and Phil Januszewski to talk about what it’s like being a speaking duo! Matt and Phil have been speaking...

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Explore All Episodes of The Speaker Lab Podcast

#294: How to Pivot to Speaking Virtually With Jon Acuff
How to pivot to speaking virtually may not have been something you thought of before the pandemic, but our guest today explains why he and a lot of other speakers are embracing it now. Jon Acuff is an...
#293: What Meeting Planners Want With Jay Baer
Knowing what meeting planners want from a speaker can be the difference between booking some gigs and being a full-time speaker. Our guest today has the inside scoop on this very topic and he’s telling...
Why a Speaking Pipeline Matters With Erick Rheam
Grant Baldwin and Erick Rheam hosted a Facebook Live to talk about one of the biggest challenges professional speakers face: getting consistent speaking gig leads and what to do with them. During the...
#292: How Public Relations Helps Speakers With Chris Winfield
How public relations helps speakers may not be something you’ve considered before, but after today’s episode you will know how PR can make a difference in your speaking career. Chris Winfield...
#291: Why Writing Matters for Speakers With Hugh Culver
You may see the value of writing, but do you know why writing matters for speakers? Our guest does and he’s here to tell us on the 291st edition of The Speaker Lab! Hugh Culver is a repeat guest...
#290: How to Find Your First Paid Speaking Gig with Bryan Allain (VIII)
Today’s edition of The Speaker Lab is the final segment of our eight-part series on how to find your first paid speaking gig with Bryan Allain! If you missed the first seven episodes check them out...
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