Episode #191

The Technical Aspects of Using Slides

With The Speaker Lab

On episode 191 of The Speaker Lab, we’re talking about the technical aspects of slides when you’re speaking: the pros and the cons, and how to deal with the cons.

As a recap from last week’s episode, our co-host Melanie Deziel is here with us for part two of our talk on slides. She’s a fan of slides, and uses them with almost all of her presentations. As she says, she’s all about the slides!

It’s not that I’m not a fan of slides it’s just that they can really make or break a presentation. There’s a lot that can go wrong when you’re using slides, and today we’ll help you avoid those mistakes.

Join us to hear how to do so and how to address all the technical aspects of using slides properly on today’s episode of The Speaker Lab.


  • Powerpoint or Keynote: is one better than the other?
  • What’s the best size to use for your slides?
  • What types of file will most clients want your slides to be created in?
  • How to make friends with the A/V people.
  • When can you include Internet-dependent audio or video?
  • How to spell out what your slides can and cannot be used for in your contract.
  • What extra equipment should you carry just in case?
  • What questions should you be asking your client about slides before creating your talk?
  • And so much more!

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