The Speaker Lab Podcast

Practical advice from the world’s most successful speakers.

This Week's Episode

#450: Beyond the Keynote: How Coaching Can Build Your Speaking Business with Jeremy Rochford [Coaches Corner]
You can’t solve all your audience’s problems with one short keynote — often, you barely scratch the surface. So how do you offer your audience the next steps toward solutions? That’s what our very own coaches Maryalice Goldsmith and Jeremy Rochford cover on Episode 450 of The Speaker Lab podcast. Building your talk out into a coaching program is an incredible way to add streams of income and diversify...
#450: Beyond the Keynote: How Coaching Can Build Your Speaking Business with Jeremy Rochford [Coaches Corner]
You can’t solve all your audience’s problems with one short keynote — often, you barely scratch the surface. So how do you offer your audience the next steps toward solutions? That’s what our very own coaches Maryalice Goldsmith and Jeremy Rochford cover on Episode 450 of The Speaker Lab podcast. Building your talk out into a coaching program is an incredible way to add streams of income and diversify...

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Explore All Episodes of The Speaker Lab Podcast

#142: How to Negotiate Your Speaking Fees With Liz Saunders
If negotiating your fees has ever been difficult for you, then our guest will solve that problem today! Liz Saunders is an expert on booking speaking gigs, including how and when to negotiate your fees. On...
#141: How to Pick a Niche and Grow Your Speaking Business With Jill Christensen
If you’ve ever worried that narrowing your audience and your target market will hurt your speaking business, you’ll want to listen to today’s guest. Jill Christensen has grown her speaking...
#140: How to Use PR to Get Speaking Gigs With Janet Murray
Could public relations (PR) help you get more speaking gigs? This isn’t an area I’ve paid much attention to but our guest for episode 140 changed my tune. Janet Murray is an author, speaker...
#139: How to Get More Speaking Gigs With Online Advertising With Rick Mulready
Have you ever considered running ads on Facebook, YouTube or Google to get more speaking gigs? If not then you’ll reconsider after hearing today’s guest, Rick Mulready. Rick is an expert who...
#138: Using Improv to Be a Better Speaker With Mike Ganino
When you think of improv do you think of sketch comedy, Saturday Night Live or do you think of becoming a better speaker? It can be all of the above! So says our guest for episode 138 of The Speaker Lab,...
#137: How to Start and Run a Mastermind
Many of you have been asking about the mastermind I’m in and how to start and run a mastermind of your own. To fill you in on all the details I’ve gathered the other three members for episode...
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